Wednesday 23 January 2019

Delightful Spell Broken

After a busy day I sometimes find myself lying on the couch drifting off into a hypnagogic state in front of a monotonously TV screen.

My brain is just awake enough to inform me that at this point I should really get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, get undressed and lollop into bed.

However, if I do get up, brush my teeth, wash my face and get undressed then by the time I am ready to lollop into bed, I'll be wide awake again and the delightful spell will be broken.

So instead I revel freely in the moment that sleep threatens to envelop me.

The enchantment in nodding off and then nodding awake a few minutes later is like a gentle rollercoaster that goes slowly enough to be thrilling while managing to avoid the unpleasantness of any theme park sensations.

Next time this happens to you my friends, remain motionless, allow your mind to wander off and enjoy the thrill of sleeping in your clothes.

Leave the TV warbling to itself and luxuriate in the sensation of stalking slumber.

When you wake in the small hours with a slight chill, you can sleepwalk to your bedroom before your duvet greedily swallows you whole.

"Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night"
~~ Dave Barry

Taken in Norway in July 2010 - boat in fog

Saturday 19 January 2019

Ethics or Religion

To say religion is better than ethics or visa versa is pointless.

Both classes offer children choice and some guiding principles that will hopefully encourage kids to be thoughtful, critical thinkers for the future.

Neither classes "own" morality which is ultimately something they see enacted around them not forced on them to gratify any adults view of the world.

"When it's over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms."
~~ Mary Oliver

This quote is in memory of the late Mary Oliver who died 17 January 2019. Thank you beloved poet and bard of the natural world, you will be missed.

Kurobe Gorge Railway, Toyama, Japan, October 2018

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Making Memories

The evening closes in on a warm summer's day and also another year.

The wine is coursing through me and through my friends but not down into the tributary of political discourse that can end up in an almighty row, but down the waterfalls of laughing memory.

Long forgotten stories and cackles emerge of times past while grand plans are made for the future still to be lived.

Sharing bread, barbeques, wine and those generous anecdotes - the simple gentleness of caring for the people we love.

Here's hoping 2019 is an awesome year for all of us. May everyone experience calm, peace, excellent health and success.

And may it be filled with good food, good friends and good memories......oh yes and good wine!

"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
~~ Oprah Winfrey

Selfie taken at Christmas lunch 2018 - effects courtesy of Samsung.