When we went to "The '80's Are Back" Exhibition this week, which by the way was excellent, the conversation turned to angels and Dianne related many stories about angels that had visited her since she was a small child. Wonderful, fascinating stories that had me listening attentively and wishing I had at least experienced once.
The reason we were talking about angels was because Dianne has recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer from which she could die. As some of you know I believe in angels and was given a small metal one by Wendy, another dear friend. I told Dianne I wanted to lend my angel to her until she gets well. She gratefully accepted the gift and promised to hold this angel tight whenever she needed support.
This is not the first time Dianne has needed the angels help. 10 years ago an aneurysm burst in her brain leaving her severely disabled. Over the years she has slowly regained her speech and movement on the right hand side of her body. She even regained her driving licence!
So I am calling on all the angels. I want my friend around for a few more decades. I am learning so much from this old soul.
I wrote 2 poems in July and August 2009, "Ode to Angels" and "Believing in Angels". I was obviously surrounded by angels when I penned them. The final words from the last one are..."I am burning a candle right here in my heart, I MUST Believe".
"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly". ~~ Author Unknown
This is Dianne at the '80's exhibition, Sydney, January 2010.

I too want your vivacious looking angel friend to stick around to: See Joseph grow up,
Accompany you as your young soul ages,
Grab all that life has to offer,
Teach more souls about angels.
I will add her to my prayer list calling the angels to surround her as she sets about on yet another journey requiring courage and faith.
A note of gratitude: She knows how to do it...she has done it before and she has you!
Well, you know my stand on angels as I have seen them on more than one occasion. They are certainly an important part of the healing process as well as many times in life.
I certainly find you to be young at heart, but I believe your soul bears the wisdom of someone who has been through more years of experience than I have for sure. I learn so much from you every time I read your posts.
I totally believe in angels...always have and always will. You have a beautiful friend, both inside and out. Treasure her!
love that Boyzone song, 'no matter what', it happened to be playing with this post and seems to go so well with it. Good luck to your friend.
Peggy, dear heart. This is such a bittersweet post. It has been my experience in life that the "older souls" often must experience the more difficult journeys but most often, they do it with grace and wisdom. Dianne sounds like such a beautiful soul, but the picture says it all. She is stunning. Just beautiful. And I see a lot of her in little Joseph! I pray that Dianne will beat this evil cancer and go on to live many, many more years teaching, learning and loving. I am asking my own angels to watch over her, too.
I have had many "angel" experiences, but I have never actually seen one.(only while meditating) However sometimes, we can "feel", much better than we can "see". Incidentally, I am sitting here with Angels on Earth magazine by my side. My Mother-in-Law sent me a subscription for Chanukah.
You may be a "young soul", but you are wise beyond your lifetimes!
Love and hugs,
Consider it done! Angel patrol heading out over Australian skies to surround your friend with love and light. I can feel their love pouring out as I write. Debbie is right - some of us (me included) feel angels more than actually see them. And guess what my word for this year was going to be (and now even more sure): Believe.
Oh I hope Dianne will be surrounded and helped by lots of angels. She looks like a wonderful lady. I recently wrote a poem about angels as well. I will check out yours
I was always convinced I had guardian angels
Furthermore I wish you all the happiness and peace for 2010
your friend is in my prayers, peggy. God is able to heal.
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used
Put no difference in your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together
Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me...
I hope your friend finds the strength to help her, Peggy. With friends like you she surely has a chance.
My Mum was given 6 months to live 12 years ago. (Multiple Myeloma bone marrow cancer) Give your stunning friend reasons to live. Ive had to have two babies, a wedding, and holidays with her, but boy has it been worth it. (insert laugh here)
Every day is a blessing. May your friend have the same amazing faith and determination as my mum. Sending light and love your way.
Wendy, Annemarie, Alisa, Christine, Debbie, Stoneweaver, Marja, Jen, Mike, Chapter Forty....my kind human angels, do you realise your beautiful, heartfelt comments are giving Dianne wings to soar!!
I speak to Dianne everyday and read out your comments. I am sure they are giving her the strength and courage she will need when she starts the chemotherapy on Tuesday 12th January.
Life has always been an uphill battle for Dianne. The struggles she has faced sometimes knock her down, but she always manages to overcome whatever is thrown at her. I call it dogged determination! She BELIEVES she will beat this cancer. I must believe too.
You are all truly one in a million....NO one in a trillion!
Bless you all for your kindness.
And please take care and stay safe.
Love you guys!
Peggy xxxx
I was at Barnes and Noble today browsing the shelves when I came across a book about angels and how God had answered prayers. The book was full of true stories, and it was amazing to read how God worked in their lives.
My prayers are with Dianne.... I hope she can feel God's love all around her.
I send Healing Love and Light to you and your friend. May She be surrounded by Eternal Healing Light, washing away all that should not be, encouraging all that is good, to grow and renew. May the Divine Healer send Angels to surround and caress and comfort her, heal her, and give her strength. You and your friend are in my thoughts and prayers. Love and Light, Nina P
I know how you feel..I hope for a miracle for Paul every day and now I will hope for one for your friend. I dont know much about god or angels but I know there are some out of this world people here on earth that could be classified as such. Sending positive thoughts and hoping for the best!
i would try some chinese herbs. best of luck!
More than happy to send angels her way. She's a fighter (I almost used an exclamation). hugs :-)
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