"How much of our life is spent in avoiding what we really are?
Yet in a quiet corner of ourselves, do we not secretly recognise the deceptive strategies of such avoidance?
How often do we find ourselves happily indulging in some trivial pursuit, even though a deeper awareness is whispering to us of its futility?"
I feel we live in a society where we like skating over the surface of things. We prefer simplicity to complexity in the way we consider our needs and the way we organise our collective lives.
Photo taken at Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, Sydney, Nov 2009.
Hi there! I'm back. I love your post today (as always). I recently started taking yoga and fully recognize now the significance of your "Namaste" greeting. Love it.
I'm becoming more and more spiritual as the weeks go by. Love your quote today, and it does give something to think about, especially as I'm pondering a 2nd career... (or should I say 3rd after being a mom? :-)
a short and stunning oberservation, peggy. a wonderful meditation as i end this Lord's Day.
you mean like blogging when I should be parenting?
I prefer to ice skate thank you very much =P
Well said! It all comes down to the intention behind the action. Are we using simplicity as pretext to deal with the issue or otherwise?
Thank you for your comments re my computer issue. Due to my lack of any IT knowledge, I could only sort out half of the problem. I could use my own laptop to comment those blogs (including yours and mine) if the blogger set the comments area as "pop up" window. For others format (embedded one?), I'm relying on the PC in my office to do it.
Honestly, I'm at my wits end ....
Nonetheless, your respond helped me to notice that I do have blogging friends who care!
Thanks xxoo :)
This brings me back to my roots. My mother had lots of Native American saying and this blog post brought back one. "Talking about the sheep while looking up its tail." I guess she meant I missed the subject while searching in the wrong places.
If you read the Tao (which I know you do) at once you become aware of how complicated AND simple life is. It is both (sorry all you 'black or whiters' out there!)
Too often it is thinking that life is black and white that leads us astray. It is actually many shades of grey. Or I should say a rainbow of colours.
It's the same with the idea of the law of attraction. It is my view that there are two things going on: our thoughts attract or manifest our reality – and 'shit happens' no matter what we think. You see - greyness, complicatedness.
Why do we strive to find a single law of the Universe? A single law that will explain everything. Why do we need this? I say, let's celebrate the wondrous diversity. In praise of complicated!
Hey Peggy -- love the post and the photos -- I had a dream much like that sculpture. Tunnel through to light. Love the astronomy photo, too! :) I accept you for who you really are. If you hear me whispering, I'm telling you I love you! :) --Naomi
I think that the more conscious we become the simpler life becomes.
best wishes...
I've enjoyed catching up on previous posts.
I'll try to get back before too long, but tonight it's late after a few days of 40c plus heat... time to rest.
thank you
Ribbon :)
Very nice post ... we saw 'Avatar' last evening and the message underlying the film is very powerful in a very positive way.
I feel as though I'm skating over the surface often.... It's so hard to be still and quiet and really listen to who you are.
... just last week I added "Fast Car" to my iPod. We are music-twins.
I've noticed my children have simplistic views that I dont want to complicate with reality.
That first sentence by Stephen Batchelor...is really bouncing around with me right now. Avoiding who we really are. And why is that? Is it because we think it won't fit with what society says? That we won't fit in? Are we scared of what we might find? I guess I have lots of questions...and I suppose the answers all lie within me...I just have to spend more time there. Peggy, what a wonderful thought.
re: "I feel we live in a society where we like skating over the surface of things. We prefer simplicity to complexity in the way we consider our needs and the way we organise our collective lives."
and that's why I like and resonate with GERMANS as much as I do, lol!
There is such simplicity and beauty in the lines of a complex helix. When we look beyond the all we can see the one; when we look past the forest we see the intricate beauty of a single leaf... when we look past all the activities of our daily lives, we can feel the life of a single breath....
Life can be complex with all the hustle and bustle of the outward day, but when we strip away the layers we call life, we see the simpler inside. A smile, a thought, a breath, the glorious beauty of a simple sunset can invigorate the soul beyond imagination.... Today I choose to focus on the simplicities of our complex world.
Thank you dear soul for reminding us of this.
Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
Peggy a dream holiday in the States, how exciting.
Wow, what an outstanding post. I think everyone struggles with this.
I hide a great deal. I try to see, try to learn, grow a little, and hide some more.
I love your blog, Peggy. It feels good here.
Peggy, this is such a great post because it is both simple and complex at the same time, as I believe life is. What looks simple can be very complex when we delve into it and what looks complex can actually be simple. It's all about diving in and feeling our way through life.
Now, where are you going on your trip to the US? I want to see you when you are here! xo diantha
What a beautiful and thought provoking quote. We put our minds on to much non important things. I think the complexity lies in the simplicity and we strive for so much outside us and we already have all we need inside us.
Arohanui Marja
Thank you for sharing this quote. It is a beautiful reminder to embrace the journey that we are on instead of being a simple bystander.
This is so true. I had this same conversation with a bunch of my cousins a couple of years ago and now one of my cousins is no longer talking to me. He seems to think I am being high and mighty when I talk about things he considers too deep. HA! Whatever! Too many people are just living on the surface and never truly experiencing life or joy or purpose. Thanks for your visit to my side of the world. Hope you are having a great day. :) Tammy
I feel so fortunate to have such interesting, caring, outstanding, articulate friends.
Have you all read each others comments?
You are all brilliant and have enriched me with your wise words.
You bring joy to my heart and a big smile to my face.
I just needed to tell you that.
I feel we are all blessed knowing each other.
Life is both complex and simple. I choose a simple life with complex thoughts.
Take care dear friends.
Peggy xxxxx
we liken it to snorkeling through life or scuba diving:-)
Jeri you lead such a complex life surrounded by your lovely family.
I love your analogy about snorkeling/scuba diving, maybe you can go into the sea and escape sometime. :)
Hello there stranger. Happy New Year to you.
I love this post because I have been thinming about this a lot of late, particularly after the family celebrations at Christmas. I started to wonder how well I really knew some of my siblings. Conversations are superficial and everyone seems to prefer it that way. You said it succinctly - we skate over the surface hoping to avoid conflict, upset or anything which may indicate we are lesser human beings than we would like to be seen as. Fake or perhaps it is just far easier that way and less problematic. Who would blame anyone taking the easy way out I guess. However, as long as we do not deceive ourselves I guess. I would like a bit of simplicity I tell you, lol!
I am currently reveling in the simple complexity of my new xbox game. My brain tells me it is a waste of time and I agree, but it is so much more fun than anything else I could be doing. Ask me again in the warm weather and I may have a different answer
Lilly - I have been thinking about you alot lately and hoping you are well or as well as one can be in your situation.
We had lots of superficial conversations around the Christmas table as well, noone wanting to rock the boat, which is fine but quite tiring.
I do like the deep and meaningful conversations, not all the time, but they are the ones that energise me. :)
Shannon - Why do we always have to justify what we do in our spare time, if xbox make you happy, then play it to your hearts content. I spend way too much time of the computer but I have finally given up berating myself. It's my life and I'll compute if I want to!!!
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