That black woman smiles, when she started to cry;
Believing in angels
I'm feeling undone, once again.
A rich man's dream
And a poor man's friend
We are all searching for true love
All in the end.
Believing is harder than you think it is
That's the truth.
It's the dream that we dream of
In everything we do.
It's the hope that we hope for
And God I hope it's true.
Broken wings and some broken dreams
Can keep me from seeing
What love has to bring.
So I am burning a candle right here in my heart
Joseph is my little angel here on earth - June 2009, Cromer
i believe in angels but i can also relate to being with young children- it is very rejuvenating in some sense...and therapeutic, in reasonable doses!
He's gorgeous. what a doll! ;-)
I believe in angels. I believe we were angels ages ago (or not that long ago, really)
thanks! ;-D
Paggy, this is a very reassuring post for me. I do believe, but sometimes my mind doubts. As I am in this place of change and unraveling of sorts, I need my angels everyday! They help me to take the pressure off so I can just be.
Hi Peggy,
Angels...from above! There's something about believing that is reassuring. Peggy, thanks for sharing this.
I have seen angels on more than one occasion, I know. But the moment that stands out in my mind was when a flash of light flew across my father's hospital room with all his brother's and sister's standing around. When I commented about it, my mother's friend said she had just finished praying for an angel to come tell my father it was okay to leave. Less than an hour later he breathed his last breath.
PS - I have new blog award for you. Stop on by to pick it up.
I believe in angels, too. I love Annemarie's comment.... How reassuring that must have been to her.
Glad you have sweet little Joseph to enjoy! Have a great week, Peggy!
I believe in angels on earth...I know that my animals are, and some people I think are sent to teach us something very special.
re: shan
they do. they have wonderful missions ;-D
How lovely - a poem! Angels are all around us waiting patiently for our call. Sometimes they alight on the shoulder of a good friend (or even a stranger) who proceeds to tell you something you really needed to hear. May you have many encounters.
p.s if you REALLY like kids that much if I ever have any you are SO SO WELCOME to be some kind of god grandmother LOL!!!
I think you'd be a good influence anyway hehe ;)I grew up not knowing any I see my nieces an nephews and see what I missed out's a real shame for kids not to have grannies!
I'm sure you are a treasure to these little ones. Like your blog, you are so full of life! I really liked that poem in the previous post.
A wonderful poem and the little boy is gorgeous
Hello Marja
Thanks for your generous comment.
I haven't been to your poety blog for a while so I will pop over there now.
My name is Roseann T. Kurtz I published "Guiding Ally" an inspirational book for all ages. You will believe in angels after you read this.
Hello Roseann
I checked out your book and it looks like a very interesting read so I purchased a copy!
I already believe in angels, they are my guiding light and always will be.
Hope your book sells well.
Peggy xxxxx
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