What’s more, most of us are conditioned to think this is the way life should be.
Life should be lived at break-neck speed, we believe. We risk our lives in cars and we break the speed limit, rushing from one place to another. We do one thing after another, multi-tasking and switching between tasks as fast as we can blink.
All in the name of productivity, of having more, of appearing busy, to ourselves and to others.
But life doesn't have to be this way. In fact, I’d argue that it’s counterproductive.
If our goal is to create, to produce amazing things, to go for quality over quantity, then rushing is not the most effective way to work. Slowing down and focusing is always more effective.
Rushing produces errors. It’s distracting to flit from one thing to the next, with our attention never on one thing long enough to give it any thought or create anything of worth.
Hurrying produces too much noise to be able to find the quiet the mind needs for true creativity and profound thinking.
So yes, moving quickly will get more done. But it won’t get the right things done.
The most important step is a realization that life is better when you move at a slower, more relaxed pace, instead of hurrying and rushing and trying to cram too much into every day. Instead, get the most out of every moment.
Is a book better if you speed read it, or if you take your time and get lost in it?
Is a song better if you skim through it, or if you take the time to really listen?
Is food better if you cram it down your throat, or if you savour every bite and really appreciate the flavour?
Life is better when unrushed. And given the fleeting nature of this life, why waste even a moment by rushing through it?
As this is my first post for 2012, it brings to mind my Word of the Year.
This year I have chosen Perseverence. I am hoping that when life's obstacles cross my path I will be able to focus on the positive and keep on keeping on.
"When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~ Author Unknown
My inspiring friend Dianne, who spent Christmas and New Year in hospital does not know the meaning of "give up", she lives in hope for her cancer ridden body to be healed so she can enjoy her grandchildren Joseph and Charlie for many years to come. - Photo taken Manly Hospital 24 December 2011

Diane will be in my prayers. Best wishes in your pursuit of perseverance.
Her smile says it all....each moment with those we love, doing what we enjoy, really soaking in all that Life presents to us....it is a true gift.
One that I don't want to squander. I agree that the magic of creating is putting a bit of oneself into it...something that takes time....that everything worth doing, is worth doing with full awareness, an open heart and without hurry.
I wish all the best for you in the New Year, Peg...
I believe your Perseverence will give you the strength and stamina to continue living a mindful Life :)
Biggest Hugs,
Peggy, have you ever thought about writing a book? Your words make so much sense and hit the right chord every time. God bless you, my friend.
So true dear sista. Prayers for your friend Dianne.
Dianne is indeed inspiring. Puts my complaints right into perspective. I wonder where her positive mindset comes from - is it something she has worked at or has she always been of a sunny disposition? Wishing her wellness in 2012 - love, hope and light. x
Annemarie - Thanks dear friend. I'm hoping I find the key to perseverance and unlock the door to success. Thanks for your prayers for Dianne. xxx
Cameron - Thank you so much for your words, they're so eloquent!
Biggest hugs back to you too. xxxx
Mike - I plan on making my blog into a book.....one day!!.
Thanks for your kind words dear friend. :D)
Peggy - Hello Sista!
Your prayers are much appreciated. xxxx
Stoneweaver - I have known Dianne for over 30 years and she has always been blessed with a positive attitude.
She was very worried about YOU and those horrible aftershocks when I spoke to her yesterday. Even as ill as she is she still has so much compassion for others.
I will pass on your message to her. xxxx
Your blog is great. I totally related today to it. My husband and I always wonder why people are in such a rush. I nearly got ran over by a car and a bus this morning on my way to work. They were both in a rush, and I was simply trying to get to work.
Dianne is indeed very inspiring. When you see her on the photo she shines. Incredible. Bless her and may all her wishes come true
Dianne's spirit definitely shines! She is a brave and courageous person who exudes hope and possibility in this picture.
I agree that we live at a breakneck speed. I'm ready to slow down, too, and savor the moments of life. Best wishes as you persevere this year. Perseverance is a great word to focus on.
Jen - Welcome to my blog! It takes a concerted effort to slow down and be mindful and live in the moment.
Glad to hear you arrived safely at your destination albeit a bit shaken.xxxx
Marja - Dianne certianly shines and is a shining example of courage and perseverance xxxxx
Roban - Thanks for your support and encouragement, it is always appreciated. xxxxxx
My best to your friend. I want to get into the spirit of your post but I wonder if its as easy as just deciding to not rush. The world seems reluctant to let me, you know? Keep up or starve, seems the gist of its message. There's no getting past deadlines and KPI's and targets with most jobs. Because we all work for about 50 rich people who want to make a lot more money before they die.
I'm here via Ms Moon. Ah the irony of it, another Australian- a melbournian - who travels to meet you in Sydney via America.
I'm all for perseverance and so much of what you write here about the need to take our time and take on that which matters. If only I could practise it more. It's good meet you here.
Icyhighs - I am a rebel when it comes to "keeping up with the Joneses" and have made a conscious choice to lead a slower-paced life; doing less; being present; focusing on people and appreciating nature.
Most things are possible if we believe and back ourselves.
Elizabeth - The irony of cyberspace...it often makes me smile. :-)
The first thing I am working on this year is to chew and savour my food instead of cramming it down my throat....might help to lose a few kilos too.
Lovely to "meet" you too.
Beautiful photo.
May Dianne never give up. Determination can get you a very long way to where you want to go.
Heres to a slow life with lots of stopping to smell the roses, whatever shape they may come in.
Great post...again.
I join with you on this one Peggy! It is something we all need to get through on this planet. Thanks for another great read. I don't know your friend in person...but I have seen her picture and her bright spirit seems very familiar too. Give her my love and tell her she is in my prayers! May she have what she asks.
CF - Rest assured Dianne will never give up. I speak to her most days and she is still making plans for the future!
On my daily walk these days I do stop and smell different flowers, some have a perfume and some don't, but they are all beautiful. xxxxx
Ninon - Lovely to see a comment from your dear friend.
I will pass your love onto Dianne.
She is quite amazed when I tell her I write about her on my blog and how people respond with their love and prayers.
I certainly hope those prayers are answered. xxxx
I like the message of this post to slow down, Happy New Year Peggy! And prayers for Dianne.
Hello Christine, happy, happy new year to you too!
Your prayers for my friend Dianne are much appreciated. xxxxx
Savoring the things you do along the way is so important.
I use a technique from the facilitation work I've done in my everyday ilfe. It is "go slow to go fast." I started using it when I was in a hurry to avoid having mishaps and forgetting stuff. I'd slow down my movements and do everything carefully...mindfully. Now, I'm learning to slow down when reading, talking, cooking and eating. It is making things more delicious while happening and more readily remembered afterwards.
Thanks for this post. Add my prayers for your friend, Diane.
Finally - I keep going to Lilly's Life and not seeing any new posts. Do you have any idea what's up with Lilly?
Love your "go slow to go fast" method Candelaria. It certainly helps our focus and creates more enjoyable lasting memories.
I've been wondering how Lilly is faring also. I'll send her a private email and hopefully she will reply....will keep you in the loop if I touch base with her.
My best thoughts & wishes for your friend Dianne. Thanks for sharing this perseverance with us!
Thank you Jeff. Dianne has returned to hospital and I will be seeing her tomorrow. Her courage and determination hasn't faded though, she is such an inspiration.
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