The wine is coursing through me and through my friends but not down into the tributary of political discourse that can end up in an almighty row, but down the waterfalls of laughing memory.
Long forgotten stories and cackles emerge of times past while grand plans are made for the future still to be lived.
Sharing bread, barbeques, wine and those generous anecdotes - the simple gentleness of caring for the people we love.
Here's hoping 2012 is an awesome year for all of us. May everyone experience calm, peace, excellent health and success.
And may it be filled with good food, good friends and good memories......oh yes and good wine!
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
~~ Oprah Winfrey
When barging in Eastern France in July 2008 my friends and I experienced good food, good company, good memories and good wine!

I have put my favourite photo taken in Norway as my header photo and imagine floating away into the mist on a wonderful adventure.
"Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy."
~~ Lao Tzu
Make mine a pinot grigio, please.
Annemarie - Oh very good choice! Pinot has been a very good friend of mine in 2011 and will continue to be in 2012! :D)
I love this sentence... "Long forgotten stories and cackles emerge of times past while grand plans are made for the future still to be lived" and am so glad to be a part of your grand plans for the new year.
Continued blessings this year!
Roban - I am thrilled also that we will be finally meeting in real life in 2012 and the added bonus of tandem skydiving with you. Blessing galore!! xxxxx
Candelaria - what a delightful message my friend! :D)
What a brilliant photo, Peggy. All the very best to you and yours for 2012 - thanks for being a friend.
Mike it is so easy being your friend!
Looking forward to another fun filled year with my Scottish mate.
Take care and keep shining. xxxxxx
Sounds like you had a wonderful evening. Good for you! I hope this year is kinder. I know many who suffered in 2011 and at this time of year we can at least hope. Thank goodness for hope eh?
I look forward to raising a glass or two with a very good friend in February - but I can't promise that the earth will behave (!) Naughty earth. Just go to sleep now.
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones Peggy! May your year be filled with love, joy, friends and good wine!
Stoneweaver - I read recently that "hope is what we cling to when reality has left us nothing else".
Here's hoping the aftershocks in Christchurch will recede very soon so you are able to enjoy a calm and peaceful 2012.
I am looking forward very much to visiting you again and sharing a glass or two and creating some more wonderful memories. xxxxxx
Marit - I am certainly hoping for a very exciting 2012 and treasure the blessings that come my way.
Love your poetic language. Nothing better than sharing a good glas of wine and some food. Seems like you had a good time in France. That's one of my favourite countries although I have seen only a small part of it. Sante on a great 2012 for you my dear.
Just noticed the quote. This is not the first time we find the same things and about the same time. Great minds think alike lol
Marja it was a wonderful holiday barging in comfort down the Rhine river, stopping at Strasbourg, Nancy, Saverne and many other places.
I would go back there is a heart beat! We stayed in Paris for a week also. All in all a fabulous holiday.
I love our synchronicity Marja....treasure our friendship. :-)
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