Anyone have an answer???
I remember a story I heard about Picasso - how he worked in a studio at the top of a long staircase and he said that by far the most difficult part of the day was walking up those stairs! Once he was up there, all was fine. He had crossed the boundary somehow, from the ordinary world to the world of intense concentration, of unwavering attention, of laboriousness, of not knowing whether the day would be completely wasted or would end with some great discovery.
This is the only thing we know for certain about the creative process - that it's a mystery....Well, that's not completely true. There is one other thing we know: it's very, very hard work.
How do you cross into that creative realm?
"Another word for creativity is courage"
~~ George Prince
I soaked in a wonderful outdoor bath when we stayed at the Stony Bay Cottage in New Zealand during our trek in January 2011. We had to heat up the water by building a fire underneath the bath, which took over an hour, but it was worth the wait. The plank was in the bath so we wouldn't burn our derrieres!
The bath was hidden amongst the bushes so we enjoyed some privacy while we soaked in all our naked glory.
I have heard about baths like this and always wondered how they kept from burning their bottoms. Lovely photos. And if you find the formula for creativity, please send it my way. Still working on that.
I find that tres-leches cakes helps me write. So lots of food and sugar I say (and having all your other needs met). Then you can just enjoy writing. (i mean being creative. I just need to finish writing this story I started - that's why writing is in my mind.. ) anyway.
Sugar! ;DD
I have to say when I get up in the morning I can barely open my eyes far less be creative...Love the bath story!
I don't know about creativity but I get a lot of great ideas when I lay in bed at night and can't sleep! I figure out how to solve my great dilemmas, ie :how to rearrange furniture! Love the photos!
Hugs my friend!
oh that bath sounds like quite the experience! I don't know how relaxed I would feel doing that the open like that lol.
For me, I have to be relaxed and unstressed to be creative I think.
Personally I find it impossible to be anything but grumpy in the morning. However when the kids are all tucked up in bed and I've had a glass or two of wine I can think more creatively. I often think of word combinations just as I am drifting off to sleep at night.
Good ideas have come to my husband when he is in the shower. He would love that outdoor bath. What a liberating wash. I also think change forces you to see things differently and be inventive.
Glad you didn't burn your bum!
Creativity is a strange thing sometimes the words just flow at other times it is plain hard work.
I love these baths. They have them in akaroa as well and at our last holiday accommodation we had one of these. It was close to the house and because my brother was there I didn't use it. Lol maybe next time
I seem to be at my most creative when I am the least distracted....I can't have the computer on, kid about to come in any minute....Hubby asking me when I'll be done...haha!
That's why late nights are the norm for me :)
I've always wanted to experience a bath like lovely!!
Oh the struggle of balance; work time, fun time, creative time, relaxing time, resting time,... Time is the common denominator... Nature and events bring out my creativity... or is it when I am least expecting it I have to grab pen and paper and write.... or do I sit and sit and nothing comes but frustrations... hmmm dear Peggy, all of the above.
Baths help!! Bubbles and no bubbles... but hot and steamy a must! never tried one outdoors.. Sounds a bit fun!
If you do find answers to this age old issue... I'd love to know... ((hugs n smiles)))
Oh and one more thing to stir creativity.... visit old friends (blogs and in real life). I have time today and am SO enjoying it again... I have missed it... I wish I knew how to juggle better. ((smiles))
Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P
Thought-provoking post as ever Peggy (so glad you are back!)
Creativity can be ellusive and I think that is why writers often have little rituals to 'get them in the mood'. Roald Dahl used to sharpen all his pencils before he began each day.
Sometimes writers need to be unhappy to write - others need to be happy. Most of us always find an excuse....
I think the biggest obstacle is self-censorship. The idea it is 'not good enough', or 'no one would be interested' etc etc. So I think your quote
"Another word for creativity is courage"
is very true.
What an extravagant way to bath! I want to have a bath in one of those tubs, too:)
Big hugs,
PS-More court today, please send good energy.
Peggyrama!! It doesn't work I still can't post a comment on H.O's blog.... even when I press preview etc etc - it just pings off into nowhere... :o(
too cool...But what if a bear came by and you had to run away naked?
I get to my creative spot by cranking the tunes. Music is my muse
How fun to bathe in the wild.... I'd be a little skittish about the whole being naked in public thing. I would want some big-leafed trees nearby!
I think the best way to be creative is to be creative. You just have to jump in and do it. Once I'm actually in the process of creating, ideas flow and earlier ideas take shape.
Have you read any of Julia Cameron's books on creativity? You might find them interesting. I've been reading and going back to some of her books over the years. I'm re-reading one now.
My creativity comes through writing and cooking. I keep intersting words, phrases, snippets of conversation in a paper journal and online journal and when nothing new is in my mind I refer to these to get started.
I collect recipes in notebooks and wade through them, cookbooks and online cooking sites/blogs and that helps me come up with something a bit different for dinner at least twice a week.
I don't see/feel that creativity is separate from me... I enjoy creativity and believe it to be a part of my daily life.
Not something I have to get into a mood to harness... I guess it's kinda what motivates in everyday.
Really enjoying your posts.
Lovely to have you back
x Robyn
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