For much of his life Rees lived nearby and used the bays and inlets viewed from the park frequently as an inspiration for his landscapes. I often walk to this park as it is one of my favourite spots.
Lloyd was a true seeker of light. His paintings, especially in the last twenty years of his life when his eyesight was fading, were filled with light and washed colours. The memorial plaque at Northwood records one of his beliefs, "If you look for light you find it."
The quest for light has always been important to me. Mine is not a search for literal light - more, the search for direction, a message, a cleaning away of uncertainty and the recognition of inner spirit and authenticity.
Occasionally, life seems to be a chasm - a pit I slip and slide into. There is sometimes a sense of overwhelming darkness and no light ahead. What I have learned is that there is always light, I'm just not looking for it in the right place. I am probably searching for it straight ahead, the most obvious place to look when, if I would only glance to my right or left, I would glimpse its radiance.
That special light can come from any direction. A chance remark, a line in a magazine which starts me thinking, the sound of children playing, the words of a song, a comment overheard on the bus - all and any can give insight and a way through. When times are tough I have now learnt to keep my ears and heart open.
Whenever everyday problems overwhelm us, it is a relief when we see a solution, when we know what to do, when we understand the reason for something and the lessons contained within it.
The light is always there......we just need to look in a different direction.
Lloyd Rees painting Northwood Point, Sydney Harbour, 1978

A gifted artist and one I'll have to look out for. It is true Peggy - the light is always there. But then I sometimes think that we need the dark to find it. "Only in the darkness can we recognise the dawn." (That's from one of mine...) Thank you for thinking of me - it means a lot.
The search for light is what brings peace and sometimes feels so elusive, but it really shapes who we are...
Those chance moments can make such a difference when someone lifts you out of the chasm and back into hope and feeling like you are doing what's right down to the core of your soul....
Beautiful art. I consider you a great source of light, Peggy. Thanks for keeping me out of the dark that so often creeps into the corners of my mind.
What a beautiful posting. I understand exactly how you feel. I feel the same way many, many times. I love how you say, "Mine is not a search for literal light - more, the search for direction, a message, a cleaning away of uncertainty and the recognition of inner spirit and authenticity." My quest has been for exactly that, the recognition of my inner spirit and authenticity. I beleive when we are our most authentic selves, our lives are filled with light. When I'm not being true to myself nothing ever seems to work out and the world seems very dismal. It takes courage to be our authentic selves. We risk rejection. What a joy we feel when we are authentic and accepted. Rees is a beautiful artist. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for his "light" and beautiful works!
Thank you so much for sharing this. It was heartwarming and enlightening!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I love that Peggy, thinking about the light - and it always being there - just that we might not be looking in the right spot.
So, I come here today - and I feel light radiating from this post - and that's you Peggy - shining your light out for all to see and be brightened by!
G'day Peggy ...I have always loved his work.
And I am also a light follower!
So easy to become caught up in the madness of my own mind and not realise that the dawn has arrived.
Lovely post.
Once again, Peggy, you have given me words for thought and inspiration today in my day of potty training, and crazy mundane, momminess and wife-iness... I thank you for that.
That is a beautiful post. The light and dark are always there but sometimes we edge towards the darkness when its the light we should be moving to. I love this thought - the light is there, we just need to look into a different direction. Love it. Peggy's Quotes. You need to keep these pearls somewhere in a list!
This is the link to make the mosaics. I havent played around with it much and it costs nothing but you can upgrade if you want. They also have other fun stuff on there too - have fun.
PS Credence Clearwater Revival - oh love them - they just dont have bands like that anymore or otherwise I am getting old. My sister used to be besotted with them - I think I was still besotted with Barry Gibb then.
We all have a gift/talent.
I discovered I was a 'lightworker' back in 1980 but did not know how to utilize this gift.
Blogging has shown me the way to spread the abundance of light I hold.
You wonderful people understand the importance of light in our world. Thank you Healingstones, Annie, Annemarie, Kelly, Lance, Sarah, Deb and Lilly for reading my humble words and shining more light into the universe.
WOW to have half that talent. Awesome painting.
Thanks for your comments on the photo blog - look forward to seeing yours..when you find that extra time ;)
I'm not sure where I fit into that range of coming up with ideas. I guess it depends on the situation, but I definitely don't struggle with too many ideas. (That would be my husband).
An optimistic essay to return to and read again whenever things look black......Thank you!CJ
Thank you so much for the quote! I love it, will be copying that one for my desk! Oh my I love Lloyd Rees' work. I have not heard of him but will be looking for it. The one you shared is the type of art I love. I love your words about the light. Your thoughts are so close to what I have been experiencing. I find that some times I may not have to search for the light so much as when I am open and aware the light finds me.
Take care and have a great week.
Beautiful post my friend!
Hi Peggy,
What a beautiful post! Finding light in the darkness is so important. I seek the light. And even in the times it seems so far's there. What a wonderful reminder to read today. The painting is beautiful too...
Gill, Monica, Cazjane, Coach, Caroline, so pleased you all enjoyed Lloyd Rees painting and I hope the light always shines wherever life takes you.
Peggy, your posts are always compelling in two ways--the pictures (or art) that you display, and the content. Your post about the light is a valuable and timely reminder. I too, sometimes slip and slide through life, and need to be reminded to look for the light, which indeed is always there. Thanks for your thoughts in this post.
Well said. Beautiful painting, which fit perfectly with your interpretation of the light.
Enjoyed your blog.
Jan and Fragrant Liar.....thank you for your kind words.
They are much appreciated.
That is so beautiful. *your* light is bright, Peggy!
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