Tuesday, 17 March 2009

I Have No Idea

Some people have a gift for coming up with ideas. But for those that don't it is a real struggle.

Oddly though, the people who struggle most are often the ones who become the most successful.

I also find having too many ideas is not always a good thing.

It's too easy to move on to the next one, and the next one.

If we don't have many ideas, we have to make those we do have work for us.

Today is St. Paddy's Day ....I love so many things about Ireland and the Irish people...their accents, makes me go weak at the knees!! And it's an amazing place!!

If you don't know the way, walk slowly. - Irish Proverb

Beannacht Lá Fhéile Pádraig

My brother's dog, Darcy, March 2009....a good Irish name.


Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

I've been reading lots of Irishisms. I like this one: "If you're lonely pick and argument with someone." LOL!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

McMGrad89 said...

Hmmm...I have an interesting post coming at 12:01 a.m. my time regarding St. Patrick's day. Something that had been rolling around in my mind for a while. I too love the "Irishisms" My favorite being:
May those who love us love us.
And those that don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we’ll know them by their limping.

McMGrad89 said...

Actually I think it is posting at 5:01 a.m. in the manner of Octamom.

Ron Simpson said...

reading this .. i am still 12 hours away from St Patty's day .. should i be 'green' with envy ?

Dina Roberts said...

I'm the same with Aussie accents : )

Anonymous said...

I am already starting my Irish traditons... I made corned beef brisket and potatoes on Saturday. Today I am eating Irish soda bread and snacking on some amazing Irish cheese! Tomorrow I will toast with a bit of Guinness... Happy St. paddy's Peggy!

Here is one of my favorite Irish toasts:

"May your home always be too small to hold all your friends."

Anonymous said...

I like that proverb! I am one of those people who have ideas all the time - and you are right, I never get round to most of them. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and my challenge is to focus, pick one thing and finish it!

TheChicGeek said...

Happy St. Patty's Day to you too! Your puppy is sooooooo cute :)

Bagman and Butler said...

Absolutely. I wish there were a job where you could just get paid for having ideas. Then again, I remember a quote from somewhere that said "Success is one part inspiration and 99 parts perspiration. Dang.

HalfCrazy said...

Hi there!

Ideas come when you least expect them not to. For example, tomorrow's the deadline for a certain project and you still have no idea what to do. You get ready with all your materials to do the project, start to write something and end up producing and finishing something later.

Or maybe I'm talking about cramming? Hahaha.

That is one good Irish Proverb.

Lilly said...

Yes I am one of those ideas people. Thank goodness my daughter is the opposite. I give her the ideas and she runs with them. She rang me up last night and told me she had organised our Easter weekend in Qld beased on things I said I wanted to try....some day. She doesn't think about things she is a doer. I am too much of a dreamer and thinker...

Cozyflier said...

Hi Peggy,
Love the post, love your pictures. I'm Stefunk's Aunt!!
Darcy is adorable!