Like plants, to some degree, all of us struggle or flourish according to where we are positioned. Our lives can be hard or easy depending on where the pot is placed.
Most of us, I think, have had this experience: behaving quite differently according to the people in the room at the time. With some people we feel in perpetual shadow; with others, the sunlight seems to angle in and we are aglow.With one friend you feel as if you are quite intelligent, discussing erudite issues of politics or literature. You are witty, insightful; the right phrase springs into your mouth at the right time. The very next night, in the company of someone else, you feel dumb and boring. Anxiety or insecurity grips so strongly that the right word, the witty phrase, can never fight its way through to the surface.
I've been thinking about the subtleties of positioning - how the sunlight can hit us when we are standing on this spot, but not in this other spot.
Why, then, don't we strive harder to move into the sun?
Why don't we spend more time with those who bring out our best selves, and less with those who bring a nuclear winter? Perhaps we could all send out the mental note: ''Paul Whatchamacallit, I know I'm booked in for a barbecue with you on Saturday week but suddenly I find that I am busy. I'm off to spend time with people who think I'm fabulous. And guess what? When I'm with them, I mostly prove them right.''
The best compliment you can pay someone is to say, ''I like the person I am when I'm with you''.
"Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
~~ John Lennon - Instant Karma
Very thoughtful observations as always, miruspeg!
Love that compliment! Great to hear from you Peggy!
Thanks for the reminder. I needed it today.
Hey Debra, Christine, Kathy - dear friends
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Really appreciate your friendship.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx
The people around you certainly influence you. It can be positive or negative. I'm not a "people" person. I don't care for crowds.
I don't want the spotlight but the warmth of a friendly companion is nice.
Hey Bill
I don't like crowds either. Haven't enjoyed celebrating my big O birthdays with lots and lots of people, I much prefer groups of 4 or less where I can have real conversations.
Peggy xxx
Lots of food for thought Although some people might not see the light I think you are always shining Peggy Than again should you lose energy to some who don't see the light?
Hey dear Marja
Thanks for your lovely compliment my friend, you are one of my friends that make it easy for me to shine, you are a delight to spend time with.
As for other people who try to bring us down, well I'm at an age now I can spot them very easily, so I spend little or no time in their company.
Peggy xxx
Blogger cheerleader here. Well I guess if an old man can be a cheerleader with limited jumping ability maybe I could try.
Here it is already October and I noticed only 2 posts this year on your blog. Assuming your internet and fingers are still working you should think about another post.
I'll read it.
Hello my dear cheerleader!
Yes my internet and fingers are still working and I will do my best to adhere to your request.
Hope you are well Bill.
Take care
Peggy xxxxx
It is interesting to consider how different people can influence our self-perception.
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