Dianne, Joseph and Charlie 24 December 2011 - Manly Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Dianne Ruth Schmidt has died this morning at the age of 64 after a long battle with cancer.
Her courage and enduring spirit was such an inspiration for many of us.
I have been blessed to have known and loved Dianne for over 30 years.
I will miss her.
I will cry.
I will grieve.
But most of all I will celebrate Dianne's life as she always had the most incredible spark and passion for everything she did.
I am a better person for knowing Dianne.
"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then you shall truly dance….
For what is it to die, but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun….
And what is it to cease breathing,
but to free the breath, from its restless tides,
that it may rise,
and expand,
and seek God
~~ Kahlil Gibran ~~
Dianne the artist at home in Cromer, Sydney - 20 February 2007
Dianne, Peggy and Joseph - August 2008 Joseph's 2nd birthday.
Dianne in January 2009 at the '80 Exhibition in Sydney.

Dianne and her daughter Talie, Christmas 2009, Sydney.

Dianne and her son-in-law Chris, May 2010, Sydney.
Dianne and I at Collaroy Beach, Sydney - 13 November 2011
Final photo taken of Dianne on her birthday 17th January 2012. She had a very happy day celebrating with her art friends.

"Soar my friend to the skies of love so high above"
Love you always sweet angel. xxxxxxooooooo
Peggy, I am so sorry your friend passed. I know how much she meant to you. My heart goes out to you and her family. Hugs to you all.
Such sad news, Peggy - she was clearly a very close friend to you and it seems the world will be a poorer place for her passing. My thoughts are with you.
She was a beautiful soul, though I did not know her for very long. I will always remember the lovely lunch at the beach. I will always remember how easily she smiled and laughed in spite of everything. Her warmth and lifeforce as she linked her arm in mine and we walked down to the restaurant.
That poem is beautiful Peggy - good choice! "And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then you shall truly dance" I hope Di is dancing now.
{{{{hugs}}}}} for you Peggy xxx
I am so sorry and moved by your loss Peggy. And that is such a beautiful poem.
Peggy, what a sweet memorial you have done for your friend. I'm truly sorry for your loss.
It is very special that you have so many lovely photos of Diane so you can do such a wonderful tribute to her. It is obvious that you two shared an incredible friendship.
It will take time for you to heal but I hope your memories will help in this process.
Bless you and Diane's family.
Hugs from TX
I am so sorry for your loss, Dear Peg....you two were so lucky to be friends for so long, to share your lives and memories....to become sisters...
I know she will keep you laughing in remembrance and hold you tight in spirit.
My thoughts are with you,
She is beautiful. You are beautiful. That is wonderful that you are (sorry I just can't use the past tense - 'cause I don't think things are past tense) friends.
Hugs and warmest wishes.. And that is a wonderful tribute to your friend.
- Jen
I am sure Dianne is dancing and singing on her way to heaven. Blessings to all who love her and will miss her.
I'm so sorry about Dianne. I've never heard the Kahlil Gibran poem, but it speaks of death so beautifully... standing in the wind and melting into the sun... freeing the breath from its restless tides. This is a lovely memorial to her, and I know each song makes you smile and cry at the same time.
Hugs friend,
Dear Peggy I feel for you
The loss you feel now for your friend is a tribute to all the love you had between you.
What a beautiful smile and happy spirit your photos have captured of Dianne.
Your memories of her will keep her as close as you need her to be, and like you said to me, speak to her as I do to my Mum, it really helps.
I would like to give you a great big hug with a big squeeze at the end if I could.
Annemarie, Mike, Stoneweaver, Christine, Carrie, Cameron, Jen, Peggy, Roban, CF....I'm so very touched by your kind words as I sit here feeling not very good (OK awful).
I don't think I have begun to grieve yet though. Dianne's funeral is on Monday 13th March and I am hoping after that I will start the slow process of grieving. My brain has not accepted that fact that she has gone forever.
Once again thank you dear blog friends for being there in my time of need....I do find comfort in your heartfelt words.
Bless you and big heart hugs.
Peggy xxxxxxx
So sorry to hear this Peggie. You can see from the photos that she was a shining spirit and I am sure that she will continue to shine in a different way and place. Take care dear Peggie.
What a blessing it is to have known such a woman and to have her as a friend. Your love will continue. This was a moving tribute to her. I will say a prayer for you and her family.
Marja - Dianne was a shining spirit...I love that expression and the words that you wrote. :-)
Kat - I have thousands of memories and will share them with her grandchildren at every opportunity. xxxx
Candelaria - I do feel blessed to have known Dianne and her spirit will live on in my heart forever. :-)
Peggy....I am sorry that I missed this post! I am glad and sad both. I am glad your friend is no longer suffering, but I know it is a terrible loss. My best friend died in 1998 exactly one month after Easter. I still miss her. But they are always with us in the good memories they left us. Hugs....ninon
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