Have the confidence to listen to yourself when you can feel that something is wrong.
It's not you that's wrong!!
You're having an entirely reasonable reaction to the chaos of the modern world.
There's nothing wrong with having enough of chaos every now and then.
Put a "Do Not Disturb" sign up outside your front door.
Ignore the phone when it rings.
Turn your mobile to silent and fling it into the bottom of an old drawer.
Forget about the newspaper.
Unplug the TV.
Unplug the computer.
Leave all the chores for tomorrow.
"Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty and dies with chaos"
~~ Will Durant
Back in April 2008 when I was addicted to Scrapblog several friends and myself formed a Tea Pot Club and we each made a scrapblog of our teapot. This is my grandmothers teapot.

Hey I never knew about scrapblog, how interesting, what we get up to on the internet.
But I know about tea, love the stuff. I especially love the decadence of a pot for one. Right now I am really into green tea with rose petals. My Granny would always make my sister and I a strong pot of tea and life always looked a bit different after wards.
Just remembered another tea story, I recently had a minor car accident, I was rear ended. Nothing major but still a bit shocked by it all. Hubby told me to have a scotch, instead I went for the strong sweet tea.
And it worked
Turn of the TV?? Mmm. That might be difficult. It keeps me company. Half the time I don't even know what's on, but it's always there.
When I was a little girl and I would get sick Mom always made me a pot of tea! Tea can work wonders :-)
And yes, we do need days without all the electronic gadgets of our modern world.
Wise words indeed my friend!
As we go into Fall I hope you are enjoying Spring.
great advice Peggy! Nice to unplug from the world. That teapot looks like a collector's item!
Substitute brandy for tea and I agree with all the above!
I drink more coffee than tea these days...but coffee certainly doesn't have that intangible stress reducing quality that tea has....perhaps I should switch back for a while...
Well, not in the mornings...haha! No one would be able to stand me!
Great suggestions...living more simply gives us time to regroup and be undistracted...something we can all use these days :)
Hugs to you, Peg,
Hey Missus Peg,
My son bought me a trip on a hot air balloon. Oh nooo! My husband,and three offspring are all going up. I just want to watch from the ground. Do you want my spot? The Hunter valley at a date yet to be finalised,
You're very welcome .Mx
Anonymous who are you???
Please send me an email and disclose your identity or I will be forced to not publish any more of your comments.
Email: miruspeg@gmail.com
Hi Peggy, always glad to meet a new Peggy. Makes me think of that silly commercial that says "Hello my name is Peggy." Found you on a blog I just left and of course I cannot remember the name. LOL senior moment.
Love your music.
Oh Peggy! Well you know all about my predilection for a good cup of tea! I'm so fond of the stuff I was even going to write a book about it....! ;o)
So sorry if I freaked you out. I suppose it does seem weird. I'd just got in from dinner and was feeling rather expansive. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker and I won't bother you again.
A great idea. I'll have to squeeze in 30 minutes of peace today. The rest of the time, I've been tasked with a huge list of tasks and I feel I need to get them done before Karen gets home fromw work. Because, as they say, "If Momma ain't happy, nobody's happy."
It's all too easy to get caught up with the various chores, items and worries of the day that it can sweep us up before we notice.
Recharging oneself by any means is always healthy. I do enjoy tea as well so this caught my eye. :)
You are so, so right! Taking a break from the world is important. I find it easiest to do in the fall. This Sunday, I have nothing planned and I'm so excited. Tea will be part of what happens on that day. Sipping tea and feeling that warm glow as it works its way to the belly - one of the treasures in life.
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