We had a fabulous day, a delicious lunch and I bought half a dozen plants that I hope will survive and thrive.
Some days are magical days, when the weather is perfect and you find a beautiful place where it feels so good to be alive.
"A Garden is a Friend You Can Visit Anytime"
The photos below were taken in the Eden Gardens complex - 20 April 2011
glad you had a fabulous day. Nice garden place.
I spend a lot of time in my own garden last week... sitting and looking and deciding what plants/flowers I will put in my 'Summer pots'. I always do this in May - April sometimes has cold nights and it's common to wait until May to plant the summer flowers but since the weather was so nice, I hardly can wait to get my backyard 'look like Summer'....
i've been going plant shopping...Love umbrella plants, spathys, homalomenas, janet craigs as far as indoor plants go...next target...organic lemon tree!
wish you had posted the pics of what you got!
love from a plant head :)
haha! suddenly my favourite song as an 8 yr old? comes blasting out of my laptop- i tracked it to your blog- good stuff!!! STREETS OF YOUR TOWN ...THE GO-BETWEENS IS STILL THE BEST AUSSIE BAND EVER... :D
I'm glad you spent a lovely day with Di :o)
Dearest Peggy,
These are beautiful photos. I LOVE gardens and gardening. I am already preparing my garden for this summer.
Maybe I told you that last summer with getting my book ready for publication, I didn't have a garden for the first time in years and years, maybe ever! :) It was a HUGE mistake. Time in my garden, especially early morning and in the evening is my special time. It is so soothing, healing, and reminds me what is really important.
I LOVE the photos of the shoes filled with succulents. That is Such a cool idea. I especially love the Aussie work boot with the elastic sides. I once had a pair before I started going barefoot.
Aww, Peggy, you are SUCH a rich and precious soul. There is so much life in you that just spills out with great abundance in EVERYTHING you do, say, and are. I love you for it. You confirm so much about life for me, just in being who you are.
Much love to you dear sweet friend,
PS You can see some photos of my garden on the right sidebar of this article I wrote for "The Nature Connection Magazine". http://natureconnectionmagazine.com/DancingWithHornets.html It was a particularly wet summer that year. Normally we are very dry and not so green. This year is VERY dry, worry of forest fires. I will have to mulch more so the soil will hold more water. Hugs to you dear Peggy! :)
Be-yoo-ti-ful! I plan to get to a garden center this weekend.
Thanks for sharing.
I think you could have a fabulous day in a box factory (you are so positive and happy to the core)....but that place sure looks amazing!!
Makes me want to go buy an old pair of boots at the thrift store :)
Happy you had a great day dear. I am not a gardener. My husband doesn't allow me as I pick out plants instead of wheats. I love sitting in it though. Love the plants in the shoes.
Long may your garden grow Peggy.
That garden centre is amazing.
I read somewhere that spores in soil actually help people overcome depression. The main reason we recently moved house was to have a larger garden. I have been really overwhelmed by our new garden though, but the kids and husband are all thriving in it.
I am enjoying getting to know my new friend. :-)
wow that looks great! YOu will have to take me there when I win the lottery and come visit you
I will definitely take you to Eden Gardens Shannon and many other places WHEN you visit me in Australia.
We have a date for 2012 remember!
The boots are so novel, love this picture. Garden places are so incredible these days - its an outing jsut to go shopping in them these days. Lots of ideas everywhere. I recall seeing a sign somewhere that said roughly along the lines that "you are closest to heaven when you are in the garden".
I think I will always think of my Dad when in the garden - it was his favourite place - in his vegetable garden. Can't wait to start one. I hope your new plants are continuing to brighten your day.
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