Everything is connected. At least,
theoretically.And even if it isn’t, I can pretend (or assume) that within the world of me and my
Connections are everywhere. This comes in handy whenever things get overwhelming. Or when my to-do list is seventeen million miles long!
Look at the garden.It’s a beautiful garden. It’s the place where all my projects, hopes, possibilities, things that might happen and gwishes are growing.
But there are way more things growing in this space than I could ever possibly tend to.
Sometimes it seems like there isn’t any point in taking care of any of these flowers, when taking care of one means abandoning all the others.
Here’s what happens.I just decide.
Every time I lovingly, intentionally do one caring thing for one flower, something about that act and the process is secretly working to nurture and support the other ones.
Or you know what? Even when I do a sloppy, half-assed thing to care for one flower.
It still counts.
And so I keep doing just one thing.Any thing at all, really. Just one thing.
Today I will not be able to accomplish the shocking number of things that need and want doing.
But each piece will count. And somehow it is helping the entire garden.
So I don’t have to do everything.Even though the urgency monsters say that actually I do.
One thing at a time. Each thing activating, untangling, supporting and helping all the other things.
Even if I can’t see it or feel it. Even if it’s underground.
I’m going to let the fractal flowers do the real work, and I will do what I can, in the way that I can. Trying to trust that every piece counts.
"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly.
"One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
~~ Hans Christian AndersenIn Western Sydney where I occasionally work I spotted this mural on a wall. I felt a strong connection with the painting. - Durali Aboriginal Centre - June 2006.