Lately I have observed that writing and reading are essential to how our lives interconnect. They are particularly part of the tentative, questing conversations that touch on or open up our deepest connections: the relationships, dreams, yearnings, desires, losses and sorrows that matter most.
That's why the quality of what we read matters. Reading can help us think about life more confidently. It lets us benefit from the experiences of people who are otherwise strangers.
It brings us together around issues that matter.
With that sense of conversation very much in mind, I observe, listen, watch, reflect - and then write. But if writing is the "talking" part of that dialogue, there is also "listening". Each of us will read and reflect in our own characteristic way.
As a avid reader myself, I know that reading lacks encounter, but it does give something else. At its best, it gives me the distilled rather than the superficial thoughts of the person who is writing.
Just as valuably, it gives me the chance to "listen" at my own pace, to question, reflect and add my own thoughts and inner commentary, engaging more actively not just with what someone else has said or written, but with what I myself now think, believe or want.
My 87 year old mother and my brother's dog Darcy, connecting on her birthday in March 2009
Hi I was just looking through other posts by Australians and came across yours. Your blog post really spoke to me thanks. I love this photo of your mum and her dog, it’s gorgeous. Ps I don’t normally just post on strangers blogs ;-)
Yeah love this photo- your mum is one awesome wonderfully warm woman- I could really feel this in the photo(!?!) :)
Beautiful post--I've always been an avid reader (and talker), but I think the truth in what you are saying really came home to me as we began trying to pour language into 4 of 8. It still amazes me, the miracle of language and communication, the way that it allows us to share our hearts and dreams...
The best thing about reading "conversations" rather than "hearing them" is that I have a chance to revisit a person's thought when I am more focused and after having previously processed the information.
Spoken conversations, while fun, interesting and personal, are fleeting. Sometimes a person's comment will pass me and I am steps behind - suddenly I think of something applicable to say, but it is too late.
When I read a person's blog, I can read it several times. Walk away. Return and read it from different perspective and then make an appropriate comment.
Don't get me wrong! I LOVE to talk, as you well know, but reading is sometimes better.
What a wonderful post Peggy. Connection is what it is all about. That is a beautiful photo of your Mum. She is happy - she exudes it in this photo. I love looking at pure happiness. It makes me thing we do not get to see smiles as much as we should. Clearly she was having a good birthday. Hey there is no mistaking you and your brother as being related either. Thats a treasure of a photo of the three of you.
You are right - written conversations allow for pause and reflection that would not be possible in a face to face chin wag. Reading is important to me too - our container was filled mostly with books and bookshelves! (the removal men did comment on it! since boxes of books tend to be on the heavy side ;o) And I can't tell you how chuffed I am to have all my books around me. Not just fiction - but ref books about all sorts of stuff - I can go and look things up. Blogging is the same - it is an ongoing conversation - but with time to reflect (on both sides). Your mum is looking good!
I relate to the idea that the written word gets to exist longer than words spoken, giving us a chance to revisit and reflect in more depth. It also, in both positive and negative ways, allows us to edit our thoughts and emotions a bit. What I might say in person gets tempered when hands and keyboard interact. But then again, I teach writing, so it's draft, revise, edit, publish!
Oh, I wanted to tell you, too, how crisp and professional your blog looks. The photo and the sleek background are nice!
Peggy, how true your post is, everyone has captured your post, and input their views. I agree.
But what struck me about your wonderful photo was the non-spoken language being 'spoken' in this photo!
I can see the happiness and love in your Mum's face and heart! Your photo's bring so much feeling out, and I always love seeing your header photo. Truly amazing!
What a delightful photo of your mom. She is a very happy person!
Your words are so true. I think I listen more now that ever. I have been reading alot since January. Primarily due to my commitment to using the library rather than buying books. I have found some wonderful books and have enjoyed turning off the tv and reading. The stories mimic many of the "connections" you are talking about but none can compare to the real life connection we are sharing on line! Love your post and your words!
This is a great post, Peggy. I love how you say, "Reading can help us think about life more confidently. It lets us benefit from the experiences of people who are otherwise strangers." I gain so much from all of the bloggers out there. The friendships formed are so special...I'm so glad that I've met you. You are a really wonderful person :)
Such wise words! Send some love around the globe to you. ;-) Paula xx
"thing in itself", since Being indivisible. The analysis given in Heidegger's Sein und Zeit, still applying a conceptual structure constituded by individual entities and their relation might be taken as a dead end. In order tgo attain Enlightenment, you must continue, walking through the Wall of transrationality, final Being conceived as a whole, abandon philosophy for poure thinking. This is the Zen principle; and Heidegger's famous "Kehre" as well; and the Holy Sacrament.
Wow thanks everyone for your VERY detailed comments. I have never met any of you in person but I feel such a strong connection to you all.
Blogging has changed my outlook on life; it's changed my thinking; it’s the best damn internet site!
YOU (bloggers) give me a lot of insight into the positive things in our world.
So if ever someone laughs at you for blogging, or the next time someone tells you that a friend you've only met online isn't a "real" friend, or someone comments that you're wasting your time, remember that social media matters.
In a very, very real way, social media matters.
Bless you all.
To reflect on Flygirl's comment. I have been known to have fast fingers and have forgotten to reflect on my words before hitting send. It is often done with regret!
I often tell my students, "Actions made in anger often have unintended consequences." Another case of do as I say and not as I do.
Yes Annemarie your quote "Actions made in anger often have unintended consequences" is very wise and we would do well to heed that advise.
And there you go making me smile again with your "do as I say and not as I do"!!
HI! Can I add u as a friend? I like your blog!
Here is mine!
Hey, thanks so much for your 10 things. The kids will get a kick that Mrs. Victory actually has friends who really read her stuff.
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