This little gem, given to me as a gift back in 1980 for my birthday, has so much more meaning now or at least I think it does as I cannot recall my feelings back then.
The story starts out in the heart of a hummingbird to find the truths he's always known....about friendship and love and growing up and living in this lifetime.
His journey of learning can take us wherever we want to go, to whomever we want to be with. And for friendships that don't depend on time and is a lovely communication.
The passage in the book that I found very powerful and touched my heart was when he wrote about gifts:
"You are the only one in the world who can see the ring that I give you today, as I was the only one who could see it when it was mine.
Your ring gives you a new power. Wearing it, you can lift yourself into the wings of all the birds that fly.
As anything that cannot be touched with the hand or seen with the eye, your gift grows more powerful as you use it.
When the day comes that you no longer need the ring, you must give that ring to someone who you know will use it well, and who can learn that the only things that matter are those made of truth and joy, and not tin and glass".
On the back cover these words are written:
"Can miles truly separate you from friends?
If you want to be with someone you love,
Aren't you already there?"
I wonder what other gems are hidden in my bookshelves.
Photo taken in Nov 2006 at Sculpture by the Sea, Sydney and adapted into a scrapblog.

That is beautiful - it bought tears to my eyes. Much better than a spider.
"....and who can learn that the only things that matter are those made of truth and joy, and not tin and glass".
"Can miles truly separate you from friends?
If you want to be with someone you love,
Aren't you already there?"
To be honest they have more meaning the longer we live I think. I will have to keep re-reading this post.
I am doing these Aussie posts until Australia Day so I will link to your blog if that is ok with you?
I also really am enjoying your music so if you wonder why I was on your blog for a long time it is because I am listening to your music!!
Yes, its hot!!
Reading this book again brought tears to my eyes are well Lilly. Richard Bach espouses a consistent philosophy in his books. "Illusions" is another one of my favourite books written by Bach.
I have been following your blog each day and enjoying the Aussie posts enormously, your humour always cracks me up.
I would be honoured to be linked to your blog.
Namaste Peggy,
"Can miles truly separate you from friends?
If you want to be with someone you love,
Aren't you already there?"
I truly believe in the above said or should I say I used to. But life & my experiences have taught me that, in today's time & age, distances actually do matter in friendship & love. "Out of sight is out of mind" is what happens these days, unfortunately. I don't want to sound bitter but as much as I hate to admit, this is becoming the reality of late. Just my perspective on it!
Blessed Be,
I must agree that gifts you don't use will go by the wayside. What a lovely and inspirational book!
I haven't read a book just for the sake of reading in so long...I don't think I remember what it's like. The nice thing about a good book is that it is like a true friend. No matter how long it has been since you have seen them, you fall right back in as if you had just seen them yesterday. Good books stand the test of time.
Here's to good books and good friends.
Peggy, what a great find! Please share more nuggets from this book with us...please please please!
Meow - I always enjoy reading your perspective. I wish I could recall my feelings back in 1980 when I first read this book, I might have felt the same as you do now.
Monica - Yes we must use our gifts/talents and spread our light around the world. This tiny book has done just that!
Annemarie - Good books, like good friends do stand the test of time, you expressed that beautifully. I am sure if you look in your bookshelf a long lost friend will "jump" out and say "hello".
Caroline - If you click onto the link in the first paragraph "There No Such Place As Far Away", it actually reproduces the whole book without the pictures. One page full of wisdom.
I've never seen this book. I'll click on your link and read it later this weekend. Essays to grade, again!
I love this song, too. It's so fitting!
Roban - The song "Pretty Amazing Grace" was suggested by AVT Coach when we were chatting via email the other day. I had forgotten what an absolutely beautiful song it is.
I read JLS a long time ago, in secondary school and, now you mention, I think I should read it again now....
I will order this one at the public library, as I love Bach....
also: been trying to be awake to call you (in the morning)
I ll be up tomorrow, just in case if you see this...will try calling
Richard Bach is now definitely one of my favourite authors.
Look forward to speaking to you Cynthia.
I do believe that quote you shared. I look forward to your insights in your posts and songs choices. The miles and time difference just doesn't seem so far from Sydney to Oklahoma. So many of your symbols and words make me smile! Thank you!
Gorgeous photo, and oh, how I love that last line. It remind me of the longing in my heart for my sister who lives 600 miles away.
Coach - I was so thrilled when I found this little gem, it certainly sums up what I believe as well. Also the words "When the day comes that you no longer need the ring, you must give that ring to someone who you know will use it well".
Jen - Thankyou for your sweet compliment, you are a very kind soul.
"I truly believe in the above said or should I say I used to. But life & my experiences have taught me that, in today's time & age, distances actually do matter in friendship & love. "Out of sight is out of mind" is what happens these days, unfortunately. I don't want to sound bitter but as much as I hate to admit, this is becoming the reality of late. Just my perspective on it!"
To dear Meow,
I'm just dropping by cuz I was searching sth about this book. I want to say that what u said is surely true these days, but that's why Bach's philosophy seems so dear and important. Also it is hard for me to believe in and find comfort from this book when I'm missing someone deeply,but still it is great to have this book, have him and his philosophy that cheer people up, show people that there's some other way out there, that human can communicate in a non-material, totally spiritual way. Also as he said in"J.L.the seagull":
"and don't be foolish!
What are we trying to practice every day? If our friendship depends on
things like space and time, then when we finally overcome space and time,
we've destroyed our own brotherhood! But overcome space, and all we have
left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now. And in the
middle of Here and Now, don't you think that we might see each other once
or twice?"
Actually for a chinese it's very interesting to read Bach's book, there's so much similar ideas inside that really remind me of Buddhism I read in chinese. Only Bach interpret and deduct it with simple story in a very fun way, I understand more about the Buddhist books while enjoying his book! If it's not because of his early study of Buddhism, then the explanation why he's so wise should be this: Budda said that there's hundreds of ways to know the Truth. He must be the one who managed to know It in his own way.
Sincere greeting to Bach!
He Ran
I need your help.
I'm italian and I'm looking for the original text of "There's no such place as far away".
I need the final paragraph.
Anyone can help me?
The final paragraph is:
"Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end."
Thank you very much, Peggy.
Your wonderful.
Wow Peggy, gives me shivers. "When the day comes that you no longer need the ring, you must give that ring to someone who you know will use it well, and who can learn that the only things that matter are those made of truth and joy, and not tin and glass".
Takes some time getting that understanding doesnt it? Thats why I love getting older, everything becomes more meaningful.
By the way I so love your Bucket List. You might inspire me to do one. I want to buy your blog book -your writing and you are such an inspiration and it would be truly lovely to have because you can go back and reread posts such as this and get something entirely different from them. Much love to you my friend.
came by from Lilly's place. Of course, now that we have met in a comment section we're mates. I don't mean to be pushing it. Hope you don't mind. Honestly, (you like honest comments right?) I thought of a bathtub ring when I read that passage. Maybe that why I never "got" his books. I do like books.
A favorite is "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" by Richard P. Feynman.
Can you tell me what "ring" is really symbolic of here?
Hello Anonymous
Sorry I have taken so long to reply.
I checked out Richard Bach's website and someone had asked your question about the ring.
Here is his reply:
"The ring in real life is the same I sent to Rae. Our ring is the gift of our recognition that we are immortal spirit, here and now."
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