My first album is Beauty & Crime released in July 2007 by Suzanne Vega
I have been enjoying her music for the past 20 years for it's storytelling, lovely melodies and her distinctive voice. I have downloaded 5 songs from this album and put them at the top of the music 'thingo', if anyone would like to have a listen.
Suzanne has made the following comments on the album's songs:
1. Zephyr & I: a conversation between the graffiti artist Zephyr and myself, West End Avenue remembered.
2. Ludlow Street: for my brother Tim who lived there, memories of parties and rehab.
3. New York is a Woman: NY personified as a woman who has had a hard time but is still beautiful.
4. Pornographer’s Dream: what would he really desire?
5. Frank & Ava: a couple who gets along in bed but not out.
6. Edith Wharton's Figurines: women past and present, how we suffer for beauty.
7. Bound: a love song to my husband.
8. Unbound: a spiritual song about a plant.
9. As You Are Now: to my daughter who is a natural treasure.
10.Angel’s Doorway: A cop is stationed at Ground Zero and his wife wants him to leave his clothes at the door. Also about troops returning home.
11.Anniversary: The anniversary week of 9/11 a year later in NYC.
As I was doing a bit of research on Suzanne I was surprised to find she had a BLOG......I am now a bigger fan, if that is possible, than I was before.
Hey There!
Great list--I'll have to give these a listen!
I 'tagged' you over at my place for a fun meme--come see!
I love Suzanne Vega. I too have been listening to her for years. Starting, of course, with Tom's diner both a capella and the dance remix. After that her voice became so recognizable. I love it.
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