Monday, 15 October 2012

My Mother and the GG

Her Excellency, Ms Quentin Bryce, Governor-General of Australia - 10 October 2012

For 5 years my mother (Beryl) and I have been volunteering for a children's organisation called AWCH (Association for the Wellbeing of Children in Healthcare). Beryl makes cookies every week for the office staff and I assist with administration jobs.

Last Wednesday AWCH celebrated the 25th Anniversary of one of it's programs called The Ward Grandparents Scheme.  This was hosted by the Governor-General of Australia, Quentin Bryce, at Admiralty House in Kirribilli, Sydney with an afternoon tea. Her Excellency was AWCH's first national president.

As you could imagine Beryl was over the moon and I was too, at the thought of meeting this lovely lady. And Quentin did not disappoint, she lived up to her reputation of the most elegant lady in Australia.  A lady who was genuinely interested in each person she spoke to.

Beryl has had an exciting year this year, she turned 90 in March and received many letters of congratulation including the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard; the Governor of NSW, Marie Bashir; Members of Parliament and Senators.  Meeting the Governor-General was the icing on the cake.

Beryl was chosen by Ms Bryce to stand next to her in the group photo. (Beryl is in the purple outfit).

Beryl and I in the front row with two other office volunteers.

View from Admiralty House, Kirribilli, Sydney


Lilly said...

How wonderful Peggy for you and your mother. Congratulations to you both and the photos are truly wonderful. You look fantastic! You are very photogenic always.

I would like to be waking up at Admiralty House each morning looking out at that view! Would be heaven.

What an honour for you all and for the GG too. Quentin Bryce is a wonderful role model. She is always extremely gracious and has achieved so much hasn't she? I have to say she never puts a foot wrong does she and always looks so beautifully dressed no matter where she is. She has a gentle, dignified manner always. She was a Judge as well wasn't she? Must go and google her now. Is she tall then?

Your mother is 90 Peggy? She looks years younger - means great things for you then (no jowls to throw over your shoulder my dear, lol).

Take Care and I will keep your blog open for a while - just to listen to your latest music, love that John Butler Trio.

PS Still in Qld....

Christine said...

what a wonderful occasion, nice to hear from you Peggy! You have your mother's smile! Wow, 90 years old!

Bill Lisleman said...

Very nice to get recognition for you and your mom's efforts. Not being an Aussie - what is the importance of this title, Governor-General?

Mike Smith said...

That's wonderful, Peggy. You clearly take your stunning good looks and fabulous outlook on life from your mum. Here's to you both.

Roban said...

How marvelous! Your mother looks so young. I bet the two of you are a lot alike. Vivacious and full of goodness! Both of you are quite lucky to still be able to spend time with each other. That's a blessing, isn't it!

Marja said...

I am just checking in dear peggy
You and your mum are so fantastic.I see that the greatness runs in the family.
What a delight that your mum got all these messages. She looks so strong and young. I can't believe she is 90.
Hope you are doing well. I will email you soon. Do you got skype?

Relyn Lawson said...

Knock, knock?

We miss you here, friend. I hope all is well.