I tell myself it's important to be safe. Security comes first.
It's a hard cruel world, so I'd better play it safe now than be sorry later.
Fools rush in.......
But nothing is more certain than if I walk down the centre of the road, I am going to be hit by the traffic coming from both directions.
Playing it safe is the most dangerous thing I can possibly do.
So I am going to dream the impossible dream and start walking towards it.
Lyrics from Left of Center by Suzanne Vega
"If you want me, you can find me,
left of center, off of the strip
in the outskirts, in the fringes,
in the corner, out of the grip"
Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, Sydney, November 2009.
You've got my curiousity aroused, Peggy. What new thing are you considering doing?
Sounds like you'll enjoy going outside of the safe center tremendously!
Dream big, woman - you CAN create it, given time and tenacity.
I love your philosophy, Peggy. Hope you had a great weekend.
Ohhh I can so relate.
I have hurt myself the MOST by playing what I thought was safe.
Yes I have.
My best moments have been when I let go of the safety net.
When I let go of control ...when I took a walk on the wild side.
Playing it safe had me slowly dying. XSXXXXXXXXXXXXX
I am so amazed by these sculptures. I find myself coming back to look at them! Thanks for sharing.
You know 'safe' is a relative term Peggy, I thought I played it safe but compared to another friend, I realized I might just be normal!
reminds me of my 18 month old. He likes the center of the road, too.
And it's quite dangerous (!!!) =)
what's the attraction?
This post is making me think you've got something planned or are facing a big deal - Good Luck, I hope you are going to enjoy the journey. I think we only really get to grow and move ahead in life when we challenge ourselves.
The post evolved from the song "Left of center".
It got me thinking about my life journey and if I am playing it too safe. I want to know what it is like to dream the impossible dream.
I want to learn to trust my intuition and start applying it to every aspect of my life.
I certainly appreciate all your comments but then you know that don't you.....you all help me tremendously while I take that journey and I find that path.
Big hugs and lots of love
Peggy xxx
Yes, I think you're right....
All the exciting stuff I hear about seems to happen to those who "break" the rules...
Am I too much of a Goody-Goody...or too scared to veer off course, I often wonder...
You go ahead, Peg! I'll cheer you on!
The one thing that I always remind my daughters to do is to listen to that funny little feeling that they get in the center of their tummies. Intuition...It rarely steers us wrong. I follow mine almost to a fault, but you know what? I never look back over my shoulder.
Here's to living a bit off-center!
Much love,
I almost forgot how to comment:)
The great thing about going down the middle of the road is that when a car is coming you are equidistant from either side, thereby increasing your chances of zigging and zagging to safety. Sounds great to me!!!
I love the pictures here!
this reminds me of my facebook status from the other day:
"I will not tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death."
Go for it Pegs!
Love the sculpture. Love the post. Life is happening to us and when the calamities and/or drama come they will come. Everyone of us gets our turn with those. Go on and walk on the wild side.
OK dear blogging friends you have convinced me to walk on the wild side...not that I needed much convincing!
My intuition and I are on the road to......
Peg xxxx
The center of the rod is the place for me, too--though I do love following the occasional trail through the forest, anxious to see what's up around the next bend. (grin)
LOVE that sculpture!
Hi Beth
Those side tracks are what makes life interesting. I am happy being on the straight and narrow most of the time but every now and again a taste of the unknown is very exciting.
I thought the shoe sculptures were very creative too. :)
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