I am leaving for New Zealand tomorrow for a week's holiday and to make one of my lifetime dreams come true......swimming with dolphins in the open sea!
I will also be seeing my now 'real life' friend Stoneweaver again which will be awesome....AND AND AND we will both be meeting up with another blogger Marja for the first time.......LIFE IS GOOD!
I have decided to rehash a post I wrote about dolphins back in November 2009. When I wrote this post I had no idea that just a few months later I would be making a connection with these incredible creatures.
So take care dear friends, "see you" in April.
Please remember to......Keep smiling.....Keep shining.
One day a long time ago, I was watching a documentary about dolphins and something inside me clicked. I was well into my late 20’s and was watching the television as if I was glued to it. It felt as if I was in a mind-meld with the dolphins and it was too a point that I started to cry because on some spiritual level, I understood what these dolphins were saying. I just knew that the dolphin was my Spiritual Animal Totem, I just knew it!
The beautiful, graceful, sleek dolphin carries many messages for the two legged! A key to understanding because the dolphin meaning is connected with themes of duality. It has to do with the dolphin being both fish and mammal. It is both of the water, and an air breather. Ergo, dolphin symbolism talks to us about "being in two worlds at once." Indeed, the dolphin is a great conveyor of the concept of yin and yang.
It is playful, and is a reminder that time to play is a crucial element in walking in BALANCE. It moves through the water quickly and with great grace, ever moving with the flow. Dolphins tell us to move with the ebb and flow of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into. To spend our energy fighting the current gets us nowhere. Being constantly at war with others, with our surroundings and with circumstances we cannot change, destroys the spirit, eats away at hope, and consumes the joy of life.
The power of the Dolphin is community in BALANCE.
"The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth".
~ Henry Beston, The Outermost House, 1928
have a great time what charmed lives you two lead! say hello to my dolphin friends for me!
Have a wonderful time! What a fun thing to do! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Fantastic Peggy! Have a great time - I'm sure you will.
I had the delight of talking to you on the phone earlier this week (thanks SO much for those phone calls, by the way) so I knew about this...enjoy, and we talk soon, both renewed :)
Huge huggzzz
have a lovely trip Peggy, looking forward to photos
Enjoy, enjoy! I will envy your swim with dolphins. Have a blast - it will be so special! xoxoxo Jan
We hope you have a wonderful time and look forward to hearing all about it. I have experienced dolphins swimming next to an inflatable boat I was in and they are amazingly graceful animals. I hope you get lots of inspiration from them and beautiful New Zealand. In light of my recent flight and post I hope your not traveling with Pacific blue.... but that is my personal experience and not yours. May lots of light travel with you
You will be home when you read this, I expect. I'm sure you have had a wonderful time and we will hear all about it in your next 'blog'......all the best,CJ.
Have a lovely visit, Peggy! You deserve all of the joy and laughter in the world!
Dolphins fascinate me, too. I often gaze out on the Pacific searching for Dolphin pods. I spotted a pod just this past weekend. They are gorgeous creatures!
Be well, sweet friend.
Admire ur spirit of adventure!
Why don't you visit India this summer & do the exotic Himalayas with me?
Oh my gosh! Have fun and give stoneweaver a hug from me! Enjoy every moment! xo
How great, Peggy! I can see you swimming with the dolphins now and I am smiling :) Life sounds wonderful!
I miss you!
Have a Wonderful Trip!
Hugs and Love,
Kelly :)
Tick that box!!!! Love and light from your dolphin-swimming buddy! x
Hope it was amazing, I imagine it was more than that!
Yes, i do remember reading a post last year on dolphins. You're visiting New Zealand?? How so very coool!
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