Chop that wood
Carry water
What’s the sound of one hand clapping
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
Every second, every minute
It keeps changing to something different
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
It says it’s non attachment
Non attachment. Non attachment
I’m in the here and now, and I’m meditating
And still I’m suffering but that’s my problem
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
Enlightenment says the world is nothing
Nothing but a dream, everything’s an illusion
And nothing is real
Good or bad baby
You can change it anyway you want
You can rearrange it
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
All around baby, you can see
You’re making your own reality, everyday because
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
It’s always up to you
Enlightenment, don’t know what it is
It’s up to you, the way you think.
Then Suzanne Vega found her way into my car CD and talked about being tired of sleeping and wondering when I'll be waking.
"Tired Of Sleeping"
Oh Mom, the dreams are not so bad
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping
Oh Mom, the old man is telling me something
His eyes are wide and his mouth is thin
And I just can't hear what he's saying
Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping
Oh Mom, the kids are playing in pennies
They're up to their knees in money
And the dirt of the churchyard steps
Oh Mom, that man he ripped out his lining
He tore out a piece of his body
To show us his "clean quilted heart"
Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping
Oh Mom, the bird on the string is hanging
Her bones are twisting and dancing
She's fighting for her small life
Oh Mom, I wonder when I'll be waking
It's just that there's so much to do
And I'm tired of sleeping
Both these songs carry important messages for me as I meander along my spiritual path full of questions about the purpose of life and the nature of the universe around me.
My spiritual journey is about discovering my relationship with myself and with the world. I find music is food for my soul and affects my decision making and thus my way of living.
Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia, June 2007. An extremely spiritual place.
we're never there
Good Friday morning to you, dear Peggy !
Being dedicated to your spiritual path, the enlightenment will come, in each day, place, book and thought you'll find it.
Let your favorite music guide you. Be in that space, spiritual eyes open... and your *light* will continue to grow :)
I wish I could say that I'm tired of sleeping, but that's not my world at the moment! Instead, I'm like Oliver Twist stating "Please, Sir, I want some more."
The questions surrounding life's purpose often swirl about in my head. Some years I've worried and worried about it. What IS my purpose in life? Why AM I here? Other times I figure just being a good person, a good mom, or simply just being is purpose enough.
You seem to be traveling your spiritual path quite well.... And perhaps the journey, as they say, is really what it's all about anyway.
I believe in "Signs". They could be anything - a song, a small white feather, this week's horoscope, a passage from a book that one picks up randomly from a book store etc. Yours are music which you listen with your entire being (body, mind and soul). I'm gald that you have found what you need! Great Post! :)
HO - We may never get there, but I for one am enjoying the journey. Without a vision, we atrophy and become bored and hopeless. I feel we need to have something to reach for and learn to seek the next phase in our journey without despising or belittling the one in which we currently find ourselves.
Annie - What a blessing you are to me. In my own spiritual pilgrimage, I finally learned to say, I'm not where I need to be, but thank God, I'm not where I used to be. I'm okay, and I'm on my way!
Thanks for shining your light over here. :-D
Have a calm, peaceful weekend. :-)
Roban - Sorry to hear you are not getting enough sleep. Hope you get into a rhythm soon with work and sleep.
I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing as tragic as being alive and not enjoying life. I wasted much of my own life because I did not know how to enjoy where I was while I was on the way to where I was going.
I believe I change daily. I have goals in every area of my life. I desire improvement in all things. This time next year I will be different from what I am now.
The good news is that I have discovered the soul-satisfying secret of enjoying where I am on the way to where I am going.
Thanks for always coming over and commenting on my posts and sharing
part of yourself. You are a treasure. :-)
Hybrid - You are spot on about signs and the most important one for me is MUSIC. I love how you described how I listen with my entire being. :-D
But of course there are other signs and new goals are constantly put in front of us.
I now feel I must not think in small terms, not to become narrow-minded, not to make small plans, but to always be reaching for the next place that will take me beyond where I am. As well as enjoying being here now!
Thank you for always being a wonderful supportive friend. :-)
Peggy, you're enJOYing your journey and especially where your path has led you. I'm striving for BALANCE right now between work, home, responsibilities and me-time! I'm actually adopting YOUR word for my school year. That will give me more opportunities to experience JOY.
Well, you know I am all about the music. I am glad you have found some songs that speak to you.
Enlightenment is always a synonym of suffering. It is very spiritual because it causes you to appreciate things one will not notice if you had not been broken in some ways.
Sweetness to you..
hm. You're not supposed to take me literally ;-P
i just think of the kids in the car "are we there yet?" and the answer is a always a resounding "NO - Now QUIT Asking!"
Roban - Yes I do agree I AM ENJOYING my journey. Also what I am especially enjoying is focusing on all our words for the year.
JOY, FAITH, EXCELLENCE, ABUNDANCE, DISCIPLINE AND BALANCE.....and taking the journey together. :-)
Annemarie - On our travels we will have to make sure we have plenty of music to sing along to.....but you will have to excuse my voice. I have been told on numerous occasions my singing voice leaves alot to be desired!!LOL
Silver - What an interesting comment....much food for thought.
I like these words that Van wrote:
"Good or bad baby
You can change it anyway you want
You can rearrange it"
Hope your suffering is easing and much light is shining on you. :-)
HO - I realised you were poking fun at me and I do LOVE your sense of humour. :-P
Here is a tip for you. When Joseph and I are out walking, I ALWAYS ask him "are we there yet" before he has a chance to ask the question.
He says no not yet. Then I ask the question again after about 5 minutes....so he never thinks to ask....works really well. :-D
Peggy, that's a good idea. I'll have to try it when we're in the car sometime ;)
Gwen - Thank you so much for your blessings. I too wish you all that is good and may you and yours be blessed on your journey.
This was a wonderful post! I've enjoyed reading through the discussions...the wisdom, the joy, the humor, the questions, the recognition of pain. It is so uplifting to hear everyone supporting and encouraging one another. Your picture is perfect for this post. Loved it all!
Hello Diantha thanks for dropping by and summarising EXACTLY what these comments say.
You are so spot on about everyone supporting and encouraging one another.
The blogosphere has such a beautiful community spirit.
The journey to enlightenment.... the joy is in the journey...the destination is infinity... Wonderful post and songs... Music is the nectar of the soul. It opens the mind to possibilities, allowing thoughts to take form and dance into your spirit. Philosophically; the meaning of life?: IS
Thank you for a wonderful post that captures my thoughts, parallels my journey, and crosses our paths... Love and Light, Nina P.
Peggy, you are the second person online that I have run across to mention this Van Morrison song. I asked my husband if he might have it in his music collection but he doesn't. Thanks for sharing the words. Also thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your encouraging words.
Music is my solace too. I guess it is a good thing that I have a pleasing singing voice because I cannot listen to music and not sing along. Have a glorious day.
So true, Peggy. What would we do without music....it has such great power to speak to our hearts and change our lives. Those are both beautiful songs, and the picture, wow! Those mountains are amazing!
Wishing you well and happy on your path :D
Oh Nina what a delightful comment.
I truly appreciate your insight. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also believe the destination is infinity and that music is the nectar of the soul.
Much love and light to you also.
"Good or bad baby
You can change it anyway you want
You can rearrange it"
Your posts always make me sigh with relief and then smile. It really helps to remember we are in charge of our own lives. It's up to me.
Patricia - How lucky to have a lovely singing voice. As I wrote in one of the comments above I have been told on numerous occasions my singing voice leaves alot to be desired!! But it still doesn't stop me singing out loud...especially in the car.
The song Enlightenment is on the "Best of Van Morrison Volume Two" CD, along with many many other great songs like "Real Real Gone", "In the Garden", "When Will I Ever Learn to Live in God".....
Big hugs
Hello dear Kelly...another music lover and a person of impeccable taste! I so wish I could still hear playlist.com....thank heavens there are other sites that do not restrict hearing/playing the music.
Those mountains, as you refer to them is actually ONE rock. It used to be called Ayers Rock and is now referred to by the aboriginal name Uluru.
It is located in the middle of Australia and is 1141 feet high, 2.2 miles long, 1.2 miles wide, and 5.8 miles around the base.
Hope you have a fabulous week.
Peggy xxxx
Chapter Forty -
You picked the best words out of that song....and I am singing them out loud now!....in my not so good voice...LOL.
Yes like Van said "You’re making your own reality, everyday". So hopefully we are awake most of the time to enjoy the journey.
It is Spring tomorrow, what a beautiful season that is. Hope Adelaide and Sydney gets just the right amount of sunshine and rain to help keep a smile on our face.
Take care always
I agree with people's wise comments - it's the glory of the ride! For me, I have these flickers of insight – and then the real world crashes in and I'm swept off in some distraction. The monks were right when they went off to the mountain. Peace and solitude - to think it all through. But then comes the demon of 'the self'.
I like Van Morrison - but have not heard that song. Love Suzanne Vega too.
Hello my dear friend Stoneweaver!
My flickers of insight are mostly when I blog or in my philosophy class each week. And boy do I feel wise and open and full of love!
I don't particularly want to be like a monk and head off to some mountain for peace and solitude. So I have to be content with walking very slowly, sometimes crawling along my path to enlightenment.
I am meeting some absolutely wonderful souls along the way, so like the saying says....it's the journey not the destination.
Sending you light and love always.
Peggy xxxx
Will continue to work very hard to move into the future with hope and light.. hugs back, my sweet friend ;)
Silver (Fel).....I KNOW you are working very hard to find some light and you have a whole community behind you, cheering you on. :-D
Did you notice I am playing "our" song..."On My Way Here"!!
I will alway think of you when I hear this song.
More hugs and love coming your way.
Peggy xxxx
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