I have a very deep affection for these four delightful women - Annemarie, Roban, Coach, and Julie even though we have never met in person. Likewise I have the same feelings for many others who live inside my computer. What a wonderful age we live in!
Ben Lee wrote this song playing at the moment and the words are perfect for this post.
"Woke up this morning, I suddenly realised
We’re all in this together
I started smiling
Cause you were smiling
And we’re all in this together......"
Here are our reflections for June.
Annemarie's word is DISCIPLINE
“Discipline is remembering what you want.” David Campbell
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
Jim Rohn
“Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.” Roy L Smith
“Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.” Buddha
My daughter epitomizes the definitions of discipline described above. She has working since September towards the goal of attending the Showcase National Dance Competition. By setting an achievable and measurable goal, she was able to see that dream come to fruition this past weekend.
Caitlin spent several hours a week attending ballet, tap, jazz and technique classes without complaint. Additionally, her instructors would call weekend rehearsals.
What was the result of all this work?
Two amazing performances and two platinum awards. Which just goes to show that when you have the necessary discipline, you can achieve just about anything.
Roban words are JOY and FAITH
JOY. Amazing how such a small, simple word can make such a huge impact in your life (when you let it!). Acknowledging the joy in my life has been one of my goals this year. By focusing on the word “joy,” I hoped to leave worrisome thoughts behind as I looked for those proverbial silver linings instead.
For me, finding joy is really about slowing down to enjoy the moments that make up my life. It’s about stopping the thoughts that whirl through my mind long enough to truly enJOY what life has to offer.
As I focused on this word, I began to recognize joy all around me. I saw joy in a baby’s smile at the grocery store, in the words of a student, and in my daughter’s unique way of seeing things. I found joy in a rare March snowfall and in the serenade of cicadas and frogs on a warm summer night. I found joy while cooking meals for my family and when treating myself to a few good books.
I have found that joy is not elusive but awaits me every day if I just look in the right place. Joy, I found, is a simple thing to enJOY.
AVT Coach's word is ABUNDANCE

I have been blessed to be attending a Yoga class three days per week. Through this class I have also met some amazing women. One of the women, a new friend has added so much to my life in only a few months. We enjoy a nice cup of chai on Sat. morning after our yoga class.
The first weekend in June we went on an overnight trip to a retreat center about 40 miles from our town. We stayed in an old farmhouse. Here is the abundance of this 24 hour time away. A glass of wine on the front porch, talking, watching the sun go down, watching the three new young alpaca's recently adopted by our retreat center owners, sharing again a viewing of the movie Chocalat while of course eating dark chocolate and sharing another glass of wine and talking. Feeling the morning breeze flow through the windows upon awakening in the morning, and taking turns getting a massage by a massage therapist who came to our farmhouse with table in hand..and talking. Enjoy an organic salad then taking a nap just because we can..and talking. It was a gift we gave ourselves and the shared experience was truly abundant. It is not easy to take the time to break away from old habits and do something new. We did it and we are only blessed beyond measure. Thank you Cris for our girl time away."
Abundance is.. sharing new experiences with a trusted friend.
Julie's word is EXCELLENCE

As we hit the completion of half of the year, I find myself amazed that July is right around the corner. Four blog friends and I started the year by each choosing a word that would be our guiding beacon for 2009 and at the end of each month, we have each posted something about how that word is shaping our year.
My word for the year has been excellence. When I selected this word, I thought it to be the element would wind its way through many of the areas in my life in which I seek to grow and improve, in my relationships, homemaking, schooling, writing, photography and walk with the Lord. To pursue excellence has become a lesson in degrees. How does one know when they have achieved 'excellence'? It's not really a destination or accomplishment, but rather an approach and attitude toward the duties and desires in life. And one thing that has emerged as I have pursued excellence this year is that it can be practiced in the smallest things. In my world right now, with so much of my time joyfully captured by the needs of small children, big goals could be frustrating. But to know that I can exercise excellence in making a bed, wiping a nose and reading a book to a child allows me to honor my New Year's goals without creating frustration and overwhelm, which is a very excellent thing indeed.
My word is Balance
6 months, 26 weeks, 181 days, 4,344 hours......four Americans and one Australian united together believing by focusing and reflecting on our tools called words our journey would become clearer.
For me, without a doubt the journey so far has been very rewarding. Who would have thought that by focusing on a few simple words (Balance, Desire, Persistence) they would grant me so much power and freedom.
This month I would like to reflect on finding balance in the midst of life’s ups and downs.
In life there will always be ups and downs. When something negative happens, instead of agonizing over it or trying to oppose it, we should accept it and try to turn it into a positive. Similarly, when positive things happen in our life we need to be prepared for the fact that good things can’t last forever.
Instead of wishing for a life of complete happiness where nothing bad ever happens, these ups and downs should be embraced, because they are what gives life its colour and meaning.
In Taoism it is believed that the entire universe is a balance of opposites, symbolized by yin and yang (day and night, winter and summer, male and female, life and death, etc).
“The Tao is the One. From the One come yin and yang; From these two, creative energy (chi); From energy, ten thousand things; The forms of all creation. All life embodies yin AND embraces yang; Through their union Achieving harmony”.
Tao Te Ching (Dreher translation)
Join us in reflecting on your word. Words are the stuff of thought, invisible and intimate.
Please accept this flower from Joseph - Dee Why, May 2009.
I just love when we do this.
This is so awesome. My word is still balance, yet can't it be so hard sometiems? It is so good to see you pop in. Hope you are enjoying your time away and looking forward to you coming back!
I'm so glad we're doing this together! And yes, I'll accept a flower from Joseph. Isn't he the cutest?
All of you women are such an inspiration! Reading this post is so inspiring!
My word this year is deserve. I use this often and feel much peace when I do. I am allowing myself the gift of "deserving" with accepting guilt for all the goodness it brings. I am finding that the more I receive, the more I give back...a beautiful cycle!
Thank you Peggy for continuing this each month!
This continues to be such a valuable experience, 2010 will be here before we know it and I do not believe I have ever kept this kind of record in any given year before. 2009 is becoming quite a wonderful year! Love to you as you seize the day!
Interesting about yin and yang. A while ago I was talking to my acupuncturist (as you do when they are applying needles to various parts of your body, some of them painful owch!) and we got to talking about all the bad stuff in the world. He put it to me that it is part of yin and yang. You need good AND bad stuff. It all works itself out. I had never thought of it quite like that before. Recently I found a new dimension to my word (adventure) on hearing a radio programme about Lori Schneider who climbed 6 mountains after being diagnosed with MS. I was SO inspired – and look at the title of her website:
I agree with her that we can gain so much personal power simply by taking up a challenge and seeing it through. My latest challenge? New Zealand in the winter - with no double glazing and only electric heating!!
Women, you ROCK!!
awww.. for me?? thanks for the little pretty flower..;)
i think my heart just melted..
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