AVT Coach is talking about it....here are some questions she is posing:
"Can we decide to "inspire another" or do we "inspire another" by living a quality life of positive abundance and that in itself is enough? Does inspiration come spontaneously in a different form for each individual or are there qualities that are globally inspiring? What or who inspires you"?
Then there is Annemarie's brother Andre who created a photo blog called A to Z Photos , hoping to inspire photographers and get us clicking away again.
Andre wrote "As a professional writer and photographer sometimes I find that when I'm away from work I've exhausted my creativity. I've found it hard to keep myself inspired and motivated to shoot photos for myself".
Andre wants to encourage all photographers--pros and hobbyists--particularly all those who have had a little trouble staying motivated to shoot more personal photos, to take part in A to Z Photo Blog.
These photos below of my beautiful "Monday" little man Joseph are my "B Photos". As it was way too cold and wet to venture outside I decided to scan my photo files and found it was such an enjoyable experience searching for photos relating to the letter B.
I hope Andre's blog attracts lots of participants because we could all do with a little inspiration and that's what the blogging community is REALLY good at.
We Support, We Teach, We Inspire AND we have heaps of fun along the way.
Bonds Boy Joseph, Dee Why, Sydney, May 2009
Bonds Boy Joseph, The Mall, Sydney, May, 2009
Bonds Boy Joseph, Cromer, Sydney, May 2009
Bonds Boy Joseph, Narraweena, Sydney, June 2008
I believe we best inspire others by example ...and I'm often SO often inspired by other people and their beliefs and actions ...
I loved the little boy!
I love these photos of Joseph. I must be a little brain dead as today is the last day of school and I cannot seem to muster a pithy comment. Just know the pithy feeling was there.
my friend inspired me by being her snotty self! Inspired the hell out of me. Just being yourself is enough, trust me.
So glad you posted this today. I hadn't realized that AVT Coach had a new post and I haven't created an "A" or "B" photograph yet.
Thanks for waking me up this morning!!
I think we are inspired by things or people that motivate us...
I sometimes HAVE inspirations from trying to figure things out with lots of souls searching...
Works both ways, but either way it can't be forced... It is an openness to be spiritually or intellectually touched.
I loved Loving Annie's comment: "it can't be forced... It is an openness to be spiritually or intellectually touched." I'm going to check out Andre's blog site also! At my yoga class last night we talked about being in a rut. For me the rut is getting out of good habits, so glad you inspired me out of mine!
What a cute idea, Peggy :) I will play! Your Bond Boy is adorable :D!!!
I think we both inspire and are inspired. I love my blog friends...they inspire me every day!
Life is great when we are sharing our love and inspiration!
Have a Beautiful Weekend!
I popped on over from Nina P's blog. Wow--what a wonderful photographer you are. And such a lovely blog. I'm glad I visited.
I agree--June is the month of inspiration. (grin) Something about it....
Peggy, I think this is a great idea! I'm trying to grow more followers! Maybe doing inspirations photos will help :)
I have 2 questions for you!
How did you create your scrapblogs?
Did you ever get my email from about 3 or 4 weeks ago? I will have a spare guest room when you travel through TX next year!!
I always love visiting your blog! Your playlist is awesome. My vow each time I'm here is to borrow the playlist - but I never get around to it. Joseph is such a cutie - even the B photos are wonderful! And then there's your philosophy.....which I so appreciate your sharing. Overall, if I had to sum it up, you're the best!
I find that the landscape here in New Zealand inspires me. But so often I just don't have a camera handy!! So do we post a "B' pic on our own blogs and then post a note to say so on the A to Z Photos blog? And a link? Is that how it works?
Sarah, Annemarie, HO, Roban, Annie, Coach, Kelly, Beth, Carrie, Jan, Healingstones...thanks for stopping by and telling me what inspires you and for you generous comments about my "B" photos.
Healingstones regarding your question about where to post your "B", "A" etc photos. You can post a link of your photos from flickr, photobucket etc and attach them by commenting on Andre's blog or do a post of your own and let Andre know.
I keep meaning to reply to this blog post but I’m struggling with a reply
Your posts inspire me, to think more positively, I’m going to try walking up each morning fresh. With a fresh new attitude each day. It’s lovely to think I could wake up in the morning and choose to feel bright and cheerful. I never think of how I wake and start my days. I often just let that panic and anxiety consume me, without thought.
Thanks Peggy I’m so grateful I stumbled across your blog.
And I’m going to work on the A to Z photo’s I’ve been struggling, with idea’s
And of cause forgive me, your photo’s of sweet Joseph are gorgeous.
I'm late lol but have posted my A photo's http://our-lives-in-colour.blogspot.com/2009/06/my-photos.html
Your photos of Aden are exceptional! He is an exceptional child isn't he.
I have posted a comment on Andre's blog with a link to your photos.
Lots of love
How gorgeous is little Joseph in his bond gear? You must have fun together.
Inspiration for me comes from many places but yes I love certain blogs because I always leave them with something more to think about. Yours does that. I always think you are in a good place and a wiser place and are working hard to stay there. That inspires me that there is hope for me to get there too. I try but need to try harder at times. Thanks for sharing the journey with us.
Oh My God!!!! these photos are so, so beautiful...love also the one at the Luna Park with his mum...
though I have to say, inspiration for photography is something I never short of, I love Andre's idea, not sure I got it right on how to post the links though :(
missing yopu, beautiful lady!
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