I tell myself it's important to be safe. Security comes first.
It's a hard cruel world, so I'd better play it safe now than be sorry later.
Fools rush in.......
But nothing is more certain than if I walk down the centre of the road, I am going to be hit by the traffic coming from both directions.
Playing it safe is the most dangerous thing I can possibly do.
I think we only really get to grow and move ahead in life when we challenge ourselves.
Lyrics from Left of Center by Suzanne Vega
"If you want me, you can find me,
left of center, off of the strip
in the outskirts, in the fringes,
in the corner, out of the grip"
Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi, Sydney, November 2009.
I try to play it safe too, this post is food for thought.
It's always safest to face oncoming traffic -- don't go with the flow, go against it!
Ah my friend We always want to create safety but I think we have no big power over what happens to us. We can prevent some things by being careful but not other things. I think there should be a balance You should have boundaries and also take some risk to grow. Not easy but in the latter I have to think of the quote; "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." There will be a time we will leave our safety zone because we have to.
@Christine - I read a quote recently
"Behold the turtle, he only makes progress when he sticks his neck out".
Definitely food for thought eh!
Take care my friend
Peggy xxx
@Debra - I like your comment my friend and you are living proof of it.
All the best
Peggy xxx
@Marja -a friend of mine sent me that quote when I was going through a difficult period in my life. It really hit home, it is so true.
We don't have total control over what happens to us but if we stop seeking validation and expecting everyone to approve or veto each of our decisions, we can explore and grow and learn more about ourselves.
Big hugs my friend
Peggy xxx
“Choose Wisely, Grasshopper.” - from an old TV show.
Sage advice is only beneficial if we listen and apply it. One time while still in the corporate world I was told that I was not advancing if I felt comfortable in my position. I agree that making changes most often involves uncomfortable feelings/fears. However, I also think we don't need to seek change just for the "excitement" of the change. Also, age and comfort do mix well together.
I believe in balance as pointed out in an above comment.
Good post, good thoughts.
@Bill - I used to watch that TV program back in the 1970's - Kung Fu with David Carradine......really liked the philosophy of the show.
I definitely don't think we should seek change for the excitement of change.
My thoughts are to challenge ourselves in order to build upon our knowledge. When we make ourselves do something “hard” and we finish it, we put a little notch in our belt of self-belief which translates into self-esteem.
Thanks for adding to the conversation my friend.
Take care
Peggy xxx
Inspiring as always, Peggy. It reminds me of the old saying 'a ship is safest if it stays in the harbour. But it doesn't go anywhere...'
Stay safe, my friend.
Hey Mike
Great old saying my friend.
Another one “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.“ - Jimmy Dean
You stay safe and well too.
Big hugs
Peggy xxx
So true. I blogged recently about having always tried to stay out of the fray and valuing peace over justice. Now, I know there can not be peace without justice. There can be periods of quiet. Your words, as always, are wise and succinct. Yours in community.
Hello Candelaria
Thanks for your valued comments.
Peace without justice is the key importance for the future of humankind.
We need to promote a way of thinking and acting which promotes nonviolent solutions to everyday problems and set an example for our children.
Peggy xxx
Time for you to give us more good words for thought.
Thanks for the prod Bill, just put up a new post!!
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