The 11/11/11 is a very special day, a date that occurs only once in a century.
Please join me and 3 of my close friends in sending light and love into the Universe....especially at 11:11am. By opening our energy centres to earth and sky we can become light conductors.
I believe the use of Light was once (or many times in our history) a very important component of everyday life, and that with time its knowledge has been lost and found time and time again.
Being a Lightworker is not a special dispensation reserved for just a few....we are ALL potentially Lightworkers.
So Lightworkers Unite. Our world could certainly use an abundance of light, love and peace.
Above photo taken at Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi on 8th November 2011. The artist, Alison Lee Cousland called it 11:11! Her statement about the sculpture said:
"All places on our planet are unique and special. As 'inner sacredness' is activated, we come to recognise a sacred place as if for the first time. 11:11, a universal gateway, dedicated to world peace. Releasing the past. Being grounded in the present. Welcoming the future"
My friend Stoneweaver, who is visiting from New Zealand, and I spent a wonderful day admiring the beautiful sculptures as we meandered from Bondi Beach to Tamarama Beach and back again.
"In every phenomenon the beginning remains always the most notable moment."
~~ Thomas Carlyle
It's fun that there will be 48 11:11s on 11/11/11 around the world. 48 opportunities for people to participate.
Peggy - I love that 'imagine' picture. ;DD I showed it to Cody, though, and he didn't get it.
I'd draw a bawlking smiley - but I don't even know how! =)
I love your light worker theory/definition. Yes, I will be a light worker!
Love the photos!
Happy 11-11-11
Hugs from the USA
The 11th day of the 11th month is also Remembrance Day - a time to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Happy 11/11/11, sending light and love to you Peggy!
11 11 is a symbol - and our lives are full of symbols. Important for reminding us of deeper truths. Though it may seem arbitrary - a calendar derived by the Romans and marking 'time' - a human concept - I still think this day is very important. It is important because 'lightworkers' or anyone who wants peace on earth in our lifetime will be tuned in today. When we sent out our love and light today - I felt so connected with the millions of others who will be doing the same all over the planet. Love, light and peace are not just concepts, they are our natural state of being. As children of the Universe we deserve nothing less.
Sending wishes of pure, confident, healing light into the universe....may it rain down on each of us at just the time we need it :)
Happy Magical day, Peg!
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