The older we become the more we tend to be influenced by our experience and set in our ways.
Children on the other hand have a much less tainted view of things. They tend to see things from a totally different perspective than adults.
Because children have fewer assumptions (if any) and are less inhibited they tend to give a more honest and black and white view of the world.
Often they'll give us a totally left of field response without any concern for convention.
Mind you you'll need to phrase things in a simplier way - which in it's own right is a good thing!
"Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they're looking for ideas"
~~ Paula Poundstone
This young boy is my teacher! (Three photos of Joseph in 2010)
I love the pictures of him with the teddy bear, and with the joy on his face as he comes through the door Peggy.
I wish I could get back to the place of a child's openness Peggy - it would serve me well!
Happy Saturday to you:)
nice post, Joseph is such a cutie!
Hello friend! Joseph is a cutie! I love the feathers in the ears. I'm imagining what he is playing!
Yes, every now and then even AJ will come up with a sideways answer to something that totally blows me away! Sometimes I think kids should run the world!!
Happy Saturday.
You are so right!!
99.5% percent of the time, a child will give you an honest answer. The other .5% of the time, they are worried that they won't get their allowance if they tell the truth.
Love that Paula Poundstone quote. I should ask my daughter what I should be when I grow up.
I completely daughter teaches me so much...mainly about myself...
Things I could blissfully ignore if it weren't for the fact that she deserves so much more :)
And sometimes we ask them what they want to be when they grow up so we can use it as an excuse to lecture and fill them up with our own nonsense. Reversing the teacher/student paradigm is much more protuctive.
Peggy, my email is
I'm being uplifted by this beautiful song I heard in church yesterday, what do you think?
Very true. Kids can teach us a lot if we are prepared to listen. But it reminds me of that joke "If you get stuck, ask a graduate - while they still know everything". The idea that when they are fresh out of college, graduates have the attitude that they have the answer to life, the universe and everything.
You are right, the little one's are full of wisdom, if we just take the time to listen. I used to spend my days with a class full of 3-6 year olds, children are amazing at that age.
Is that a new photo on your header? I love it!
It's true! Love from a slightly tainted KID ;)
I just LOVE what you wrote here about children. We must be on the same wave length, as we are both writing about children. Just reading what you expressed made me feel SO ALIVE. You confirm the greatness in us, which children seem to have in spades (before they indoctrinated). In remembering my true self, most of the effort went into shedding, not "finding". I was already "whole" and already my true self. I just had to let go all that was not me. I still let go more and more. The more I let go, the more I relate to children. They love me, and I love them. Your little Joseph is more beautiful, innocent and alive than I could ever express with words. It shows in all the photos you take of him. I always feel that being in his presence would be pure bliss. You are so blessed dear friend. And so his he, to have you. So glad he has a free spirited wise woman like you in his life.
Think of you often, and a lot lately. Haven't been online as much blogging and commenting. I put a beautiful veggie garden in this summer and it is overflowing with rich colorful food. I am freezing, canning, and drying.
I hope you are well and happy. Always feel connected to you dear one. Much love, Robin
PS I am off to your YouTube channel to see if you've uploaded any more videos of Joseph or yourself. ALWAYS love them so much. :)
What wonderful pics Peggy!
So agree dear Peggy Children are great teachers They also teach you to enjoy the little things in life and to be in awe with it. I love the honesty. You always know where you are at with a child while adults never say when something is wrong especially here in NZ. The pictures are so gorgeous. He is such a cute little guy. Lots of love from new zealand my friend
What a lovely boy! I had the pleasure of my 4-year-old granddaughter's company for 3 weeks in June. She joined me on my morning walks and we often headed to the playground. She walked in such an alive, observant way. She couldn't pass a ledge without climbing on it. She noticed flowers, mushrooms, insects, and so many things that I didn't really pay attention to. Now that she's back at her home, I find myself - climbing on small ledges, noticing so many things, saying hello to the dogs down the street and other things.
Thanks for this post.
Great photos; yes children look at things without the filter9s) we grown-ups have so it's refreshing to hear their keen take on matters.
I don't agree. We have to teach the children. Obviously the joy and innocence of children is great, but left to themselves they become feral.
They need love with boundaries. We need to be responsible. Children know how to have fun but they are not gurus. They need love. They need constraints. Sometimes they embody the worst in humanity.
So carry on loving Joseph,but know that he is a work in progress, and however much you love him, and endow him with saintly qualities, it's up to you to teach him.
He's a child. Unformed. Can go wrong.
That's what I think. Sorry to mess up your perfect world. And that sounds harsh, but I'm just telling it like I see it.
Anonymous thanks for giving your point of view in such detail.
Of course children need boundaries, in fact I believe boundaries give them a sense of comfort and security.
We also need to be consistent and establish clear standards of behaviour.
But the point of this post was when adults observe children's delight in the simple pleasures in life like Joseph is showing me, life becomes a wondrous experience again.
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