Two bloggers helped give my dreams wings and shared in the adventure/experience.
First item crossed off the list was swimming with dolphins in March at Kaikoura in the South Island of New Zealand with my blogging, now real life friend, Stoneweaver. What a mind blowing experience that was!!!
Next when I was in Texas, USA in July staying with another blogging, now real life friend, Annemarie we danced in the rain with her son. That was a wonderful, joyous occasion.
The third item was climbing a tall tree. Once again Stoneweaver put her hand up and when she visited me in Australia with her husband in September we drove down to Balmoral Beach in Sydney and after much huffing and puffing managed to climb an ancient Banyan tree.
My next dream is to set up a Foundation to help Not-for-profit organisations run their programs.
So about it!!!!!!
"The reason why the universe is eternal is that it does not live for itself; it gives life to others as it transforms."
~~ Lao Tzu Chinese taoist Philosopher, founder of Taoism, 600 BC-531 BC
Update Bulletin - 24th October 2010
My Foundation is now up and running! I have called it "Bella Jules" meaning beautiful and youthful. I will be handing out my first donation next week which is a very exciting moment in time. Thank you Universe!!!
That is me in an amazing, ancient banyan tree in Balmoral, Sydney in September 2010
Here is the Banyan tree in all it's glory!
I say, "Go for it!!!" When you need someone to run it, I would be a very good administrator. :-)
wow that's a big tree!!!
Good luck with that foundation thing. I have no mind for business, myself ;)
Much good luck to you ! WOW! Kudos too, for making and doing a bucket list!
We have trees like this here in St Petersburg. They are named: Banyan trees. :)
What a beautiful tree...did it fill you with some of its wisdom as you put hand to bark?
I wouldn't be surprised if you gave some back....heehee. You are an incredible woman with much wisdom to share :)
Keep crossing off that list!!!
Oh my what a gorgeous tree. I love it. Great that you met all these nice people and to accomplish the things on your list at the same time. Stoneweaver and you must have had a good time for sure. You are both special souls.
I also love your idea for your foundation. We could use you here lol. I am working for a non-profit organisation and we are going into a whole new direction which will be a big challenge. But good on you I am sure you will succeed.
So awesome Peggy!!! Do it...and I am sending waves of love and light to you. You go girl!!!
congratulations on the bucket list accomplishments, Peggy. That tandem parachute are brave. I've been hearing they do a hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti for $600 (Canadian) per person. It's a dream for some to look over the animals like that.
Well, you know my views on 'thinking big'! How exciting it will be to read your blog post when you start your foundation. Also how exciting to know that it is coming - but not to know how it will happen.
I feel it will be leftfield and entirely unexpected. The angels' way of delighting you. Now, have you set up an account, opened a folder. Have you decided on the name yet?
Annemarie - I am definitely "going for it"! When I expand to the USA, I won't hesitate to ask for your assistance as I have had first hand experience of your administration skills and money handling. You will be on top of my list!
HO - Thanks for stopping by. Hey I thought you had given up blogging for a bit! Thanks also for your good wishes....they are much appreciated.
Sunny - Lovely to connect with you again and thanks very much for naming the tree for are a treasure!
Cameron - What a sweet soul you are for writing such a lovely comment. I have a feeling the tree did fill me with much wisdom when I gave it a big hug.
Marja - I wasn't sure whether we would be able to climb the tree but we were both adamant we wanted to and got the desired results.
I have been blessed with meeting wonderful internet friends, totally totally blessed.
When I see you again over in NZ for our 'Free Hug' day I'd love to discuss the foundation at length with you.
Caroline - I will be riding on your waves of love and light my sweet friend....thank you!!!
Christine - I have just remembered something else I wanted to put on my bucket list and that is to visit Canada!
Also I would love to go back to Africa and fly over the Serengeti in a hot air balloon....thanks for planting that seed!!
Stoneweaver - I am getting very exciting at the prospect of running a foundation and a bit apprehensive as well.
Today I opened a new bank account and have put all the paperwork in a gold folder.
I have called the foundation "Bella Jules", a name I had registered 10 years ago and never used.
It means beautiful and youthful and as much of the money will go towards helping children I feel it is very appropriate.
I love surprises from the angels but I am also buying lots of lottery tickets in case they are busy helping someone else.
Wow, another woman who lives her dreams! Amazing feeling isn't it?!!! Go for it Peggy!!! You look lovely in that tree!!
Thanks for your very enthusiastic remark Marit!
I feel once you start dreaming and focus on those dreams the world is your oyster. :-)
Love it that you are making your dreams come true.
A wish plus action goes a long way.
x Robyn
Thanks for your AWESOME comment Robyn!!
Actions speak louder than words, and that is my intention from this point on to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. :-)
It's been too long since I've visited! I love your idea...and I believe you will find a way and fulfill your dreams and the dreams of many others!
gentle steps
Hello Laura, yes it has been way too long since we last connected.
I know with gentle steps I will fulfill my dreams and others too.
Thank you for your support and kindness. :-)
Bravo! how do you do it all? I wish I could join you on your Canada trip!
Will you be visiting he Niagara Falls?
you haven't been on my blog for quite some time- do leave a comment on 'Hourglass'
Hey Peg,
Everything is good here. I just can't believe how busy I've been. The marathon is less than 3 weeks away!!
I am so happy for you that you crossed off the three things on your bucket list. That is really amazing, and that Banyan tree is fabulous! I've done a swim with the dolphins before and it truly is an great experience.
I can help you with ideas for the foundation and of course with the visiting friends in Canada! I would love to meet you - Toronto is a wonderful city.x
Smita - The Universe seems to be calling me to visit my blogging friends in Canada and Niagara Falls would certainly be a bonus. I popped over to your blog yesterday and read some of your wonderful poetry and will try and visit more regularly.
Deb - Time flys when you are having fun or when you are living life! Good luck in the marathon, hope it is a smooth journey for you.
Every so often I relive my dolphin encounter, how totally blessed I feel to have been lucky enough to connect with such beautiful creatures.
Kerry - Thank you for you offer of help with the foundation. I have actually set it up last week and will be handing out my first donation next week. The angels have been smiling and shining there light in my direction which is awesome.
It is also wonderful and exciting for me that you have moved to Canada. Looks like we will be meeting in real life one day. :-)
Good for you, what an inspiration and your header photo is incredible!
P/S Does your bucket list include London???
Jeri dear friend, LONDON is always on my bucket list. I was there in 2008 and next time I travel overseas I will stop there again. I adore your city/country, its history, people and accents.
The header photo was taken in Norway in July this year, the most scenic country in the world! Did you know it is only a 2 hour 15 minute flight from London to Oslo and quite cheap too!
Have a blessed week end!
I posted something today. Good to be back but not sure i can post as often as i would before due to work.
But it's good to be blog walking when i can again..
You are so awesome and I know you can do it! You are one of the most amazing women I have ever met. And what a cool tree!
Awwww those are such kind, sweet words Pretty on the Inside!
Bless you my dear friend. :-)
This is a post I missed during my hibernation from blogging.... I'm so thrilled for you, not only about crossing some of those items off your bucket list, but for setting up the foundation. I've always wanted to give in bigger ways than I can manage. YOU are doing just that.
Bravo to an amazing woman who has amazing dreams and lives them!
Roban the gift of giving without the expectation of receiving something in return brings joy to both the giver and receiver.
I feel so blessed to have the time and the money to make a small difference and to promote good- will.
YOU my friend are an amazing woman. Your work has helped enhance so many children's lives in this age of negativity and despair. Bravo to you as you shine your bright light and uplift and transform so many lives.
Peggy xxxx
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