Saturday, 14 February 2009

Ron's Drawings

Now aren't I the lucky girl! Look what I received in an email a week ago from a gorgeous Kentucky man called Ron. A charcoal drawing of Joseph. Isn't it absolutely fabulous!

Then to my surprise he sent another one of moi, drawn from a photograph I had posted back in November 2008.

For those of you who don't know OUR Ron, I would like to introduce this beautiful soul who blogs under the name of Troubled Ramblings.

Ron is a multi-talented human being AND I mean MULTI-TALENTED!

Here is a sample of his poetry:

My Friend

You were a stranger
The first time we met
I didn’t know on that day
We were to be friends
We would never forget

We fell in ‘like’
Like a lightning flash
Someone above knowing
This friendship would carry
Through life cinder and ash

Although time and distance
Prevent my eyes from seeing your face
Within my heart
You still, and will always
Reside in that special place

Through thick and thin
Within and without
You have been my beacon
My sounding board, my confidante
My friend, without a shadow of doubt

The word may be well overused
And to some has lost its meaning
But nothing thrills my heart
Quite like this word
For sorrow and pains intervening

We are friends
All the live long day
From uncounted days gone by
To the countless tomorrows
This will never sway

You are
Will always be
My friend

Ron Simpson, Jr.
November 19, 2008

You have already seen what a fabulous artist he is. On top of that he also takes great photographs. Apparently he sings beautifully too.

He is a son, husband, father, grandfather, teacher and friend. And last but not least he is a very kind, caring soul.

He is not on the market girls.....he was snapped up by the lovely Tammy. But that doesn't stop us loving him from afar. I sure do!

Happy Valentine's Day Ron.


Lilly said...

Peggy those drawings are amazing, the likeness is incredible. That is a beautiful picture of you by the way. Gorgeous face you have! Ron is extremely gifted. Muti-talented!! I will have to go check out his blog. Oh the music you never fail to disappoint!! A lovely post about a lovely man. And the world needs more lovely men....and women too!

Roban said...

Ron is a gifted artist and writer. Lucky you to receive such a special gift!


Zz... said...

The likenesses are awesome! :)

Monica said...

I love seeing such talent. I'm always especially amazed when you can see the art next to the actual photo!

Cathy said...

The drawings are fabulous