Here we are at the end of another month. How has everyone been travelling?
Have you been reflecting on YOUR WORD for the year?
Well Annemarie, AVT Coach, Octamom, Roban and I have. At the end of January we simultaneously posted acrostics using our WORDS....if you would like to revisit that post click here.
This month we have decided to use the music of a favourite song and add a new verse reflecting on our WORD.
I have added each song to my play list so if you like you can play the applicable song while reading each of our attempts at will make it more meaningful.
Once again please feel free to join us in the fun by commenting or writing your own post......the more the merrier!
Drum roll please maestro......
Me, myself I (Peggy - Miruspeg) - BALANCE is my word and I chose the song:
"Where is the Love" by the Black Eyed Peas.
"Where is the Balance"
Listen to what your body and feelings are telling you
Like most things in life,
It takes practice and experimentation.
We need to make adjustments,
As we go along.
We need to stop and reflect,
To see which parts of our life,
Are out of Balance.
Then take the steps,
To put them back in Balance.
So remember to stop and ask yourself,
Where is the Balance.....
Where is the Balance.....
Where is the Balance......
Annemarie who's word is DISCIPLINE chose the song:
“A Few of My Favorite Things”.
"A Few of My Discipline Needs"
Disciplined living – for this I am searching
“Fly by the seat of my pants” isn’t working
Making a list of the things I must do
This just might help locate my left shoe
Grading my papers as soon as I get them
Clearing my desk off so I won’t forget them.
Grocery shopping for healthier things
These are of few of my Discipline Needs
When I’m tired
I don’t want to
pack a lunch for sure
But when I remember my Discipline needs
A healthy lunch is ... in store!!!
Coach who's word is ABUNDANCE chose the song:
"A Wonderful World" written by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele.
Louis Armstrong recorded the song in 1968.
“An Abundant World”
I hear songs of love…devotion too
I sing along…a few notes for you
And I think to myself….what an abundant world.
I whisper prayers…for friends in need
Some who are joyful…some really grieve.
And I think to myself….what an abundant world
The words of a loved one….so dear to my ear
Are just what I needed… take away my fear
I hear people sharing…and it’s more than a few.
They’re really sayin’…I love you.
I see my children….I’ve watched them grow
They work and play…independence they show
And I think to myself…what an abundant world
Roban who's words are FAITH and JOY chose the song:
“Edelweiss” the Rodgers and Hammerstein hit from The Sound of Music.
“Words of the Year Song”
Faith and joy, faith and joy
These two words will sustain me
Through the year, far and near
Faith and joy will be mine.
Faith that God will see me through
With joyful days His voice rings true.
Faith and joy, faith and joy
Are blessings for me to gather.
Octamom who's word is EXCELLENCE chose the song: "Excellence" sung by two of her beautiful children.....Octamom always thinks outside the square!
Excellence Song from Octamom on Vimeo.
Famous playwright Shakespeare once said, "If music be the food of love; play on."
Music touches our souls in strange ways. People have different tastes in music. Some like jazz, some like hard rock, while some others like country music or classical. But I have yet to find someone who does not like music of any kind. What does music mean to you?
In July 2008 when in France on holidays we stopped off at a small village called Xouaxange in the Alsace-Lorraine region and had an Irish coffee. After a little while we all started singing........